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Sep 17, 2021, 6:31:42 PM9/17/21
to sar...@googlegroups.com, North Buffalo Jews

Saranac Synagogue News: Shabbos Ha’azinu (September 20-21, 2021 / 11-12 Tishrei, 5782)

Shalom Aleichem!

PLEASE NOTE: A minyan this unlikely this Shabbos due to several absences.
We wish everyone a pleasant Shabbos!

Erev Sukkos is Monday, 9/20/2021. Sukkos is Tuesday, 9/21.

COVID-19 RULES: Masks are OPTIONAL if you are at least partially vaccinated. Masks are REQUIRED if you are not vaccinated.

Friday: Candle lighting: 7:03 PM, Shabbos begins: 7:21 PM.

Saturday: Zeman Shema: before 10:04 AM;   Zeman Tefilah: before 11:05 AM.
Chatzos 1:08 PM, Mincha Gedolah, 1:40 PM. Mincha Ketana, 4:47 PM, Plag Hamincha, 6:05 PM.

We do NOT say Kel Maleh or Av Harachamim.

Parsha review at Shalos Seudos, 7 PM.

Shabbos ends: Shul tradition, 60 min.: 8:20 PM.   42 min.: 8:02 PM.  72 min.: 8:32 PM.
We do not say Vayehi No’am after Ma’ariv. You may say Kiddush Levana through the first night of Sukkos.


Sukkah raising party at Saranac, Sunday at 1 PM. Please join us!

The Parshah in a Nutshell

Deuteronomy 32:1–52

The greater part of the Torah reading of Ha’azinu (“Listen In”) consists of a 70-line “song” delivered by Moses to the people of Israel on the last day of his earthly life.

Calling heaven and earth as witnesses, Moses exhorts the people, “Remember the days of old / Consider the years of many generations / Ask your father, and he will recount it to you / Your elders, and they will tell you” how G‑d “found them in a desert land,” made them a people, chose them as His own, and bequeathed them a bountiful land. The song also warns against the pitfalls of plenty— “Yeshurun grew fat and kicked / You have grown fat, thick and rotund / He forsook G‑d who made him / And spurned the Rock of his salvation”—and the terrible calamities that would result, which Moses describes as G‑d “hiding His face.” Yet in the end, he promises, G‑d will avenge the blood of His servants and be reconciled with His people and land.

The Parshah concludes with G‑d’s instruction to Moses to ascend the summit of Mount Nebo, from which he will behold the Promised Land before dying on the mountain. “For you shall see the land opposite you; but you shall not go there, into the land which I give to the children of Israel.

Parshah in a Nutshell is copyrighted by its author, publisher and/or Chabad.org, and is produced by Chabad.org. If you enjoyed this article, we encourage you to distribute it further, provided that you do not revise any part of it, and you include this note, credit the author, and link to www.chabad.org. If you wish to republish this article in a periodical, book, or website, please email permi...@chabad.org .


David Kunkel, Media Coordinator / Webmaster / Gabbai, for
Shmuel Rashkin, President   •   Bob Alt, Vice President

The Saranac Synagogue

Congregation Achei Tmimim   •   85 Saranac Ave   •   Buffalo, NY 14216

www.saranacsynagogue.org   •  www.facebook.com/saranacsynagogue

Donate to the Shul (NOT ON SHABBOS OR HOLIDAYS PLEASE!)   •   https://tinyurl.com/donate-to-saranac

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