Upcoming musical events of note

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Santa Cruz House Concerts

Jul 27, 2023, 12:50:47 AM7/27/23
to santa-cruz-h...@googlegroups.com
- This Saturday, Jul 29, Mr. Bidu's Circus, my Brazilian forró band, will be performing at the Scotts Valley Farmers Market from 10am to 12:30.  Come on out!

- Sat, Aug 12, 6:30-11pm the historic Park Hall in Ben Lomond is holding a centennial celebration, featuring zydeco player Andre Thierry and Moonshine CrossroadsTickets available here.

- Thu, Sep 7, 7:00pmDick Hensold and Patsy O’Brien at the Ugly Mug, Soquel
    Dick Hensold plays Northumbrian small pipes and pennywhistle, accompanied
    by Patsy O'Brien on guitar and vocals, featuring songs and tunes from Cape
    Breton, Scotland, Ireland and Northumberland.  Tickets available here.

Santa Cruz House Concerts

Jul 27, 2023, 5:51:19 PM7/27/23
to santa-cruz-h...@googlegroups.com
- This Saturday, Jul 29, Mr. Bidu's Circus, my Brazilian forró band, will be performing in downtown Santa Cruz, at the corner of Pacific Ave & Cooper, from 10:30am to 12:30pm.  (NOT at the Scottts Valley Farmers Market!)   Come on out!
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