Cláudio Rabeca e Forró Quente performances!

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Santa Cruz House Concerts

Jun 7, 2023, 8:50:04 PM6/7/23
** please post and/or forward to your friends in the area and in the northwest **

I am thrilled to sponsor a West Coast tour for Cláudio Rabeca e Forró Quente, a terrific band from Recife, Brazil (see bios below).   I will be performing with them at several locations in the Bay Area, in Seattle and on the teaching staff at the Festival of American Fiddle Tunes in Port Townsend, WA.  They will be providing basic dance instruction as well.  Forró dancing is similar to the two-step: simple and fun!

In Santa Cruz, we will be performing at Kuumbwa:
  Thu, Jun 29, 7:00pm
             Kuumbwa Jazz Center, Santa Cruz $28-32 $17/students

             Get discounted advance tickets here.

You can also look for us at the Westside Farmers Market on Sat Jun 24.

Here is the full concert schedule.  Advance tickets are recommended, as noted.
in California:

Sun Jun 25: 4:00pm Concert/Dance: 285 Monroe Dr, Mountain View (backyard)

$25-30/door (sliding), potluck dinner

Contact: <>

Tue Jun 27: 7:00pm Concert/Dance at Amado’s, San Francisco   $15/adv $20/door

7pm Dance Lesson / 7:30-10:00 Concert/Dance

                             Get discounted advance tickets here.

Wed, Jun 28: 8:00pm Concert/Dance at Freight & Salvage, Berkeley $26-28, $14/youth

                             Get discounted advance tickets here.

Thu, Jun 29: 7:00pm Concert at Kuumbwa, Santa Cruz $28-32 $17/students

                             Get discounted advance tickets here.


in Washington:

    Sat, July 1:       7:00pm Forró Dance at Leif Erikson Ballroom   $20/door

7pm Dance Lesson / 8:00-11:00 Dance

2245 NW 57th St, Seattle

Mon Jul 3 - Sat Jul 8  Festival of American Fiddle Tunes

July 4:  1:30 performance Fiddle Tunes main stage

Note: Sign up for Fiddle Tunes and come learn to play forró and more!!

Mon Jul 10: 7:30pm Concert at Frontier Home  Donation: $30/door

2121 17th Ave S, Seattle, WA  98114


Forró Quente features:

Cláudio Rabeca: rabeca, lead vocals
    Cláudio is a fiddle player, composer, singer, teacher, music producer and luthier, from the Northeast of Brazil. During his 20-year artistic career, he sang and played percussion at the Maracatu Nação Estrela Brilhante do Recife for 11 years; he is the fiddler of the Cavalo Marinho Estrela de Ouro by Mestre Biu Alexandre from Condado-PE-Brasil, since 2004; and was a singer, songwriter and fiddler with the forró group Quarteto Olinda for 11 years.
   The rabeca is Cláudio’s main source of inspiration and musical development. He has played his fiddle on stages all over the world, with Forró de Rabeca being the highlight of his career. He is preparing a new cd for 2023, which will consist entirely of instrumental Forró de Rabeca.

Rodrigo Samico: 7-string guitar
    Rodrigo is a music producer, composer, arranger, multi-instrumentalist, and professor at the Pernambucano Conservatory of Music and musician. With more than 20 years of experience, Rodrigo has produced artists such as Maciel Salú and Geraldo Maia, and recorded 35 albums, among them the album “Canto da Sereia” by Toquinho. He composed the soundtrack for the play “Drama Reinas” that premiered in Paris in 2019,  and has held Brazilian guitar and 7-string workshops in Europe and the USA.

Negadeza: percussion, dance instruction
    Negadeza started playing percussion alongside her grandmother, Selma do Coco, and her mother Aurinha do Coco at the age of 10. Over the next 30 years, she explored new percussive instruments, standing out on the tambourine. Today, she is one of the main references of the national tambourine, representing in a unique way women, black people and the drumming of popular culture in Pernambuco. As a solo artist, Negadeza brings regional influences added to contemporary and erudite sounds, such as synthesizers, rubbed string instruments, fifes under the baton of the tambourine player, Marcos Suzano.

Guga Amorim: zabumba
    Guga took, in 1997, his first steps in percussion, studying the instruments and rhythms of traditional music from the Northeast of Brazil. In 2000, he joined the group Sonho da Rabeca of Mestre Salustiano, where he performed throughout the country. He played for 10 years in the band “A Roda”, which performed at several festivals in Brazil and has recorded 2 albums. He is the founder and played for 11 years in the band Quarteto Olinda, with whom he recorded and album and performed in several national and international tours. In 2016, Guga became a luthier of tambourines and other percussion instruments, such as ganzá and triangle.

Júnior Teles: percussion, dance instruction
    Júnior is a percussionist, composer and percussion teacher, with 20 years of experience as percussionist for many artists and groups in Pernambuco. Born in 1989, he studied percussion at the Conservatory of Music of Pernambuco and was a music instructor at Paço do Frevo and at Conservatory of Music of Pernambuco. In his career, he has accompanied artists such as Antônio Carlos Nóbrega, Em Canto e Poesia, Orquestra Malassombro, Pife Urbano, Getúlio Cavalcanti, Josildo Sá, Cláudio Rabeca, Quarteto Pernambuco and many others.

Daniel Steinberg: pífano, flute, melodica
    A long-time Bay Area resident and performing musician, Daniel has performed contradance music with the Hillbillies from Mars and the Rodney Miller Band, Fórro de Rabeca with Mr. Bidu’s Circus, Basque music with Ospa, Latin American music with Tierra Vieja, Cuban music with El Tren, African music with Bole Bantu and Wazobia, and has accompanied numerous traditional fiddlers, such as Joe Cormier, Lisa Ornstein, Jerry Holland, and Pete Sutherland.  He is the founder and director of the World Harmony Chorus, a community chorus performing songs from around the world.
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