Mariani family in Pittsburgh

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Mark DiVecchio

Aug 22, 2021, 12:20:01 AM8/22/21
to SanPietroAvellana

I've been doing some research on the Mariani family in Pittsburgh - that is, the Mariani's who originated in SPA.

I found another Mariani family that I can trace back to Italy but I can't trace to a town. This is the family of Antonio Mariani and Maria Mazza. As far as I can tell they came to the US about 1880. They had a son Giusto Edmond (called "Gus" or sometimes "G.E."). He had a son, also named Giusto Edmond. The family started the business "Mariani and Richards" which specialized in waterproofing and stone/masonry work in Pittsburgh. They are still in business now with grandchildren running the business.

Does anyone know this family or where they came from in Italy?


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