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Weekly Sandstorm Community Meeting - Weds Jan 10 9PM USA Central Time

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Dan Krol

Jan 8, 2024, 1:58:46 PM1/8/24
to Sandstorm-dev
Hi all,

We're going to restart weekly Sandstorm Community meetings.

The goals are to establish a common roadmap and to maintain momentum. We'll talk about what's on the horizon, and we'll chime in with what, if anything, we're working on. If it's nothing on a given week, that's okay. I'll have plenty of weeks like that. We have other stuff going on. But it would be good to know who all is on board and what's coming up.

As of now the plan is:

Wednesdays, 9:00PM-9:30PM USA Central Time

Our first meeting will be this week (Jan 10). We can adjust over time if it looks like there are better options. Let me know if you have interest in joining and this time slot isn't great for you.

Jitsi Meet Room: sandstorm-community if you have the app, or else visit


Jan 8, 2024, 4:04:09 PM1/8/24
Cool, looking forward to it
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Dan Krol

Jan 10, 2024, 10:03:05 PM1/10/24
to Spencer,
Meeting is starting...

Dan Krol

Jan 11, 2024, 2:00:56 PM1/11/24
to Spencer,
As discussed, I moved the grains from last night's meeting to Jacob's server. I took out the parts we didn't get to. I'm going to keep old meeting notes read-only in this collection:

When we clean up the new roadmap diagram, I'll add that here as well.

For next week I will send a reminder on Monday with a link to a new doc where people can add discussion items and/or updates. This week a half hour was a bit too short, we'll try a full hour next week.
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