Need Engineers & Designer for App Dev

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Shawn Mon

Dec 9, 2014, 2:07:24 PM12/9/14
Hi group, 
I'm seeking engineers/design (IOS) team for creation of an mvp (prototype) app that will be the next culture shift for our world and solve traffic congestion problems.
This is a very honorable project to be a part of and will include geo-dev/gps/mapping, membership features/database, connecting/matching/algorithm (category based), payment system, credits like currency, account settings/profiles, on-demand/push notifications, and more.

Please let me know about your relative experience and if you have a desire to be part of a solution to traffic congestion (which aside from the world's biggest problem, also happens to be a trillion dollar market). 

Thank you for your time, and if you can think of someone to forward this to who may care or be interested in the opportunity, please do.
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