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Reminder: Samvera Europe 2024, October 22

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Tom Wrobel

Oct 2, 2024, 9:21:09 AM10/2/24
Hello all!This is a reminder that the Samvera Europe 2024 Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 22, from 10am to 3pm. It will be hosted by the University of Oxford's Bodleian Library at their Osney Mead location in West Oxford. Anyone interested in Samvera and the community, including developers, implementers, repository managers and interested onlookers, are warmly invited.Osney One Building
Osney Mead
Oxford OX2 0EWDue to space restrictions, the event will be limited to 40 attendees in person.The meeting will include updates on the Samvera Community, as well as presentations from community members and an unconference-style session. Attendees are encouraged to bring If you'd like to give a short update about what you or your institution has been doing with Samvera, or if you'd like to give a presentation (max 20 minutes) please let us know. If there are any topics you'd like to see, please let us know below, or share them on the #samvera-europe channel.Registration is free of charge. Please complete the form at you have any questions or queries, please contact Tom Wrobel ( or @tomwrobel on
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