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Hyrax Fedora 6 Working Group Update

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Arran Griffith

Feb 22, 2024, 1:40:58 PM2/22/24
to, Fedora Tech, Fedora Community

Hi Everyone,

I am writing today to provide an update on work relevant to those interested in Hyrax 5 backed by Fedora 6 and to provide an overview of the most recent Hyrax Fedora 6 Working Group meeting. As a reminder, our Working Group was formed from stakeholders interested in seeing the advancement of Hyrax 5 backed by Fedora 6 and serves as an outlet for collaborative work across our communities for all users.


As you are probably aware, the Samvera Dev Congress wrapped up a few weeks ago. A big thank you to all those who were able to participate. A fully summary of the outputs of the Dev Congress can be found on the Samvera wiki here:


Of interest to Hyrax + Fedora users:



The last discussion topic of the Working Group was revising our current Charges and Objectives. Our high level goals are to see the completion of Sirenia testing and the resolution of the outstanding issues from the above mentioned testing process and then our focus will turn to performance testing of the infrastructure.


But we need YOU! Consider joining the Hyrax Maintenance Working Group

The Hyrax Maintenance Working Group (HMWG) is charged with supporting core maintenance and development for Hyrax in order to provide a stable base of support for the solution bundle. Work includes addressing bugs and other issues as they arise and reviewing pull requests to Hyrax.

  • Sprints occur on a 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off cycle, regardless of calendar, holidays, or planned time off. The group is currently in a working cycle and needs your support.
  • During a 2 week sprint, daily stand-up occurs via Zoom at 1pm Eastern each weekday of the 2 week sprint (Monday-Friday).
    • Zoom connection info is pinned in the #hyrax-wg Slack channel.
      There is a project board in Github that tracks the issues for a sprint and/or work cycle
  • Use the #hyrax-wg channel on Slack to communicate with other HMWG members.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Rebekah Kati (Hyrax Product Owner) or Daniel Pierce (Hyrax Tech Lead).


Thank you as always for your continued support of our communities. We are grateful for your dedication and commitment to Samvera and Fedora users around the world. Please feel free to reach out to either myself ( or Heather Greer Klein ( if you have any questions. Thanks in advance.





Arran Griffith

Program Manager, Fedora Program



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