निजकौतुकापनोदि सर्वं वृत्तजातं श्रोष्यसि

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T.K Gopalan

Jul 21, 2024, 12:45:32 PMJul 21
to sams...@googlegroups.com
What are the constituent words of कौतुकापनोदि in the following text and what does कौतुकापनोदि mean?
Thanks for help.
[अजापालः] प्रत्युवाच_ “कथं युवावस्मिन् विजनप्रदेशे समागतौ? अयं पन्था अजवृकश्वापदादिभ्य ऋतेऽक्षुण्णो नूनम्। त एवात्र पर्वते सततं समन्ताच्चरन्ति” इति। “अत्रावतीर्णस्त्वं निजकौतुकापनोदि सर्वं वृत्तजातं श्रोष्यसि” इति सांचुना प्रोक्तोऽजपालोऽवतीर्य डान् क्विक्षोटं च समेत्य प्रोवाच_
T K Gopalan

Vishvas Vasuki (Vishvas)

Jul 21, 2024, 8:23:20 PMJul 21
to samskrita
कौतुकम् अपनुदतीति कौतुकापनोदि


Jul 21, 2024, 8:40:50 PMJul 21
to samskrita
Google translation 
[अजापालः] प्रत्युवाच_ “कथं युवावस्मिन् विजनप्रदेशे समागतौ? अयं पन्था अजवृकश्वापदादिभ्य ऋतेऽक्षुण्णो नूनम्। त एवात्र पर्वते सततं समन्ताच्चरन्ति” इति। “अत्रावतीर्णस्त्वं निजकौतुकापनोदि सर्वं वृत्तजातं श्रोष्यसि” इति सांचुना प्रोक्तोऽजपालोऽवतीर्य डान् क्विक्षोटं च समेत्य प्रोवाच_
[The goat keeper] replied_ “How did you two come together in this desolate region? This path is surely untouched except by goats, wolves, horses and foot soldiers. They are the ones who are constantly roaming around here on the mountain.” “Come down here and you will hear all that has happened in order to dispel your curiosity,” said Sanchu.

T.K Gopalan

Jul 23, 2024, 10:02:20 AMJul 23
to sams...@googlegroups.com
Thanks, but this doesn’t address my difficulty.


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T.K Gopalan

Jul 23, 2024, 10:02:20 AMJul 23
to sams...@googlegroups.com
Can someone confirm that णिनि pratyaya is operating here?
T K Gopalan


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T.K Gopalan

Jul 23, 2024, 10:05:07 AMJul 23
to sams...@googlegroups.com
Please see if the following is correct:
यश्च कौतुकं अपनुदति कौतुकापनोदः+णिनि = कौतुकापनोदी (masc. )
Here it is followed by सर्वम् n. acc., it is अपनोदि, n. acc.

T K Gopalan

On Mon, 22 Jul 2024 at 5:53 AM, Vishvas Vasuki (Vishvas) <vishvas...@gmail.com> wrote:


Jul 24, 2024, 1:02:17 PMJul 24
to samskrita
I am hung up on युवावस्मिन्:  Looks like yuvau+asmin. I thought that the dual of tvam is yuvaam.
Also, my eyesight is not good enough to make out the conjunct in the penultimate syllable of अत्रावतीर्णस्त्वं. Is it 'sra' or 'stra'? [Strange that no conjunct is used for 'tra' but one is used here. May be I should stick to Tamil where writing reform is complete.]

विश्वासो वासुकिजः (Vishvas Vasuki)

Jul 24, 2024, 8:55:46 PMJul 24
to sams...@googlegroups.com
On Wed, 24 Jul 2024 at 22:32, NathRao <rao...@gmail.com> wrote:
I am hung up on युवावस्मिन्:  Looks like yuvau+asmin. I thought that the dual of tvam is yuvaam.
Also, my eyesight is not good enough to make out the conjunct in the penultimate syllable of अत्रावतीर्णस्त्वं. Is it 'sra' or 'stra'? [Strange that no conjunct is used for 'tra' but one is used here. May be I should stick to Tamil where writing reform is complete.]

You can use a tool like aksharamukha.com/converter 

On Tuesday, July 23, 2024 at 10:05:07 AM UTC-4 T.K Gopalan wrote:
Please see if the following is correct:
यश्च कौतुकं अपनुदति कौतुकापनोदः+णिनि = कौतुकापनोदी (masc. )
Here it is followed by सर्वम् n. acc., it is अपनोदि, n. acc.

T K Gopalan

On Mon, 22 Jul 2024 at 5:53 AM, Vishvas Vasuki (Vishvas) <vishvas...@gmail.com> wrote:
कौतुकम् अपनुदतीति कौतुकापनोदि

On Sunday 21 July, 2024 at 10:15:32 pm UTC+5:30 T.K Gopalan wrote:
What are the constituent words of कौतुकापनोदि in the following text and what does कौतुकापनोदि mean?
Thanks for help.
[अजापालः] प्रत्युवाच_ “कथं युवावस्मिन् विजनप्रदेशे समागतौ? अयं पन्था अजवृकश्वापदादिभ्य ऋतेऽक्षुण्णो नूनम्। त एवात्र पर्वते सततं समन्ताच्चरन्ति” इति। “अत्रावतीर्णस्त्वं निजकौतुकापनोदि सर्वं वृत्तजातं श्रोष्यसि” इति सांचुना प्रोक्तोऽजपालोऽवतीर्य डान् क्विक्षोटं च समेत्य प्रोवाच_
T K Gopalan

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Vishvas /विश्वासः

T.K Gopalan

Jul 24, 2024, 9:02:17 PMJul 24
to sams...@googlegroups.com
It refers to a young man in the story: युवा अस्मिन्। yuvā asmin.
अत्र अवतीर्णः त्वं if you come down here…atra avatīrṇaḥ tvam.
T K Gopalan


Jul 24, 2024, 9:02:44 PMJul 24
to samskrita
निजकौतुक + अपनोदि → निजकौतुकापनोदि
कौतुक + अपनोदि → कौतुकापनोदि
अपन + उदि → अपनोदि

T.K Gopalan

Jul 24, 2024, 9:04:28 PMJul 24
to sams...@googlegroups.com
Please ignore my earlier email


T.K Gopalan

Jul 24, 2024, 9:07:32 PMJul 24
to sams...@googlegroups.com
Its my mistake the text says yuvaamasmin. My eyesight is very poor.
T K Gopalan


On Wed, 24 Jul 2024 at 10:32 PM, NathRao <rao...@gmail.com> wrote:

T.K Gopalan

Jul 24, 2024, 11:28:30 PMJul 24
to sams...@googlegroups.com
I’m afraid the sandhi splitter is far from perfect. Being algorithm based it sometimes highlights the wrong answers, and masks the correct one ( I can give examples). UOH calls the sandhi splitter संसाधनी. It is put out for use even in this imperfect stage without any cautionary caveat to the unwary user. Beware!
T K Gopalan


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Amba Kulkarni

Jul 25, 2024, 12:11:10 PMJul 25
to sams...@googlegroups.com
On Thu, 25 Jul 2024 at 08:58, T.K Gopalan <tkgo...@gmail.com> wrote:
I’m afraid the sandhi splitter is far from perfect. Being algorithm based it sometimes highlights the wrong answers, and masks the correct one ( I can give examples). UOH calls the sandhi splitter संसाधनी. It is put out for use even in this imperfect stage without any cautionary caveat to the unwary user. Beware!

Dear Sir,

The Sandhi splitter of Samsaadhanii displays the 'statistically most appropriate' solution and displays it.
If the displayed answer is not correct, one can see 'All possible' solutions by clicking on the link provided below.

Before making it publicly available, we tested it on some popular texts and found that around 90% times the statistically chosen solutions were the correct ones.
This was developed especially targeting Sanskrit-knowing people, such as teachers, and researchers,  who would like to get a quick sandhi split for the texts. 
However, for the remaining 10% of cases, one can get the correct solution by following the provided link.

Amba Kulkarni

T K Gopalan


On Thu, 25 Jul 2024 at 6:32 AM, kenp <drk...@gmail.com> wrote:
निजकौतुक + अपनोदि → निजकौतुकापनोदि
कौतुक + अपनोदि → कौतुकापनोदि
अपन + उदि → अपनोदि

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आ नो भद्रा: क्रतवो यन्तु विश्वत: ll
Let noble thoughts come to us from every side.
- Rig Veda, I-89-i.

Professor & Head
Department of Sanskrit Studies
University of Hyderabad
Prof. C.R. Rao Road 
Hyderabad-500 046

(91) 040 23133802(off)


Jul 25, 2024, 4:36:31 PMJul 25
to samskrita
Ahh,  that strange looking temp.png is "st". Must be the default Unicode font in my browser. Moral: Non-Latin charsets are still problematic on the web.
P.S. I need to know what the constituent letters are before using sandhi splitters.

T.K Gopalan

Jul 25, 2024, 8:13:48 PMJul 25
to sams...@googlegroups.com
In order to show you the correct text, I am enclosing a screenshot of the relevant extract. Hope this helps.
T K Gopalan


T.K Gopalan

Jul 25, 2024, 9:01:07 PMJul 25
to sams...@googlegroups.com
Professor Amba Kulkarni has just confirmed what I said about sandhi splitter. All credit to her!
Still, she does not think it necessary to issue this clarification to the unwary users. A pity.
T K Gopalan


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