Sanskrit bloggers' link

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संस्कृत संवादः

May 25, 2024, 11:05:48 AMMay 25
If anyone is writing sanskrit blogs, Please provide the link.

अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः | श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।

May 26, 2024, 6:19:40 AMMay 26
to samskrita

Anunad Singh

May 26, 2024, 7:21:35 AMMay 26
निम्नलिखतः श्लोकः  वेदाङ्गज्योतिषे वर्तते।  इदं कथ्यते यत् अनेन 'त्रैराशिक नियमः' (रूल ऑफ़ थ्री) प्रतिपादितम्।  

इत्युपायसमुद्देशो भूयोऽप्यह्नः प्रकल्पयेत्।
ज्ञेयराशिगताभ्यस्तं विभजेत् ज्ञानराशिना ॥ २४

जानितुं इच्छामि कथा अस्य अर्थः इदं भवति -
" Known result is to be multiplied by the quantity for which the result is wanted, and divided by the quantity for which the known result is given."

अहं केवलं "विभजेत् ज्ञानराशिना = 'ज्ञानराशि  से भाग करना चाहिए ' " इति  जानितुं  अर्हामि।

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G S S Murthy

May 26, 2024, 10:02:17 AMMay 26
Very impressive sustained contribution, Abhyankar ji. Hearty Congratulations.I was writing Sanskrit blogs. I am not writing now.

Bandaru Viswanath

May 26, 2024, 10:54:31 AMMay 26
tri-raasikam is the jyotisha paribhasha for cross-multiplication. 
For example, 

3 people can pluck 30 apples in a day, how many can two pluck ?

result = (30 * 2)/3

This is called tri-rasikam, used for various computations.


Supriya Venkata

May 26, 2024, 10:54:43 AMMay 26
tri-raasikam is the jyotisha paribhasha for cross-multiplication. 
For example, 

3 people can pluck 30 apples in a day, how many can two pluck ?

result = (30 * 2)/3

This is called tri-rasikam, used for various computations.


On Sun, May 26, 2024 at 4:51 PM Anunad Singh <> wrote:

S. L. Abhyankar

May 26, 2024, 10:12:05 PMMay 26
to GSS Murthy,
धन्योऽस्मि मूर्तिमहोदय भवतामनुमोदनेन ! 
हार्दोऽहं ज्ञापयितुं यत् मम यू-ट्यूब-दृक्-श्राव्याण्यपि सार्धसहस्रजनैः (1500+) श्रूयन्ते पठ्यन्ते च | 
Cordially, S. L. Abhyankar
सस्नेहमिदम् अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नस्य श्रीपादस्य |

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Anunad Singh

May 27, 2024, 2:48:59 AMMay 27
I do understand 'tri-rasikam' as used today. My request is for getting a word by word translation of the shloka so that it comes out to be exactly or near the translation given here.


May 27, 2024, 9:18:30 PMMay 27
to samskrita
इत्युपायसमुद्देशो भूयोऽप्यह्नः प्रकल्पयेत्।

ज्ञेयराशिगताभ्यस्तं विभजेत् ज्ञानराशिना ॥ २४

Here's the etymology of each word in the original Sanskrit text: ChatGPT

  1. इत्युपायसमुद्देशः (ityupāyasamuddēśaḥ):

    • इत्युपाय (ityupāya) - "thus, in this way" + "method"
    • समुद्देशः (samuddēśaḥ) - "explanation, declaration"
  2. भूयः (bhūyaḥ):

    • From the root भू (bhū) - "to be, to exist"
    • Meaning: "again, once more"
  3. अपि (api):

    • Meaning: "even, also, too"
  4. अह्नः (ahnaḥ):

    • From the root अह्न (ahna) - "day"
    • Meaning: "during the day"
  5. प्रकल्पयेत् (prakalpayet):

    • From the root कल्प (kalpa) - "arrange, prepare"
    • प्र (pra) - prefix indicating emphasis
    • Meaning: "let be explained, arranged"
  6. ज्ञेयराशिगता (jñeyarāśigatā):

    • ज्ञेय (jñeya) - "to be known"
    • राशि (rāśi) - "amount, quantity"
    • गता (gatā) - "obtained, acquired"
    • Meaning: "amount to be known, quantity to be obtained"
  7. अभ्यस्तं (abhyastam):

    • From the root अभ्यस् (abhyas) - "to spread out"
    • Meaning: "spread out"
  8. विभजेत् (vibhajet):

    • From the root विभज् (vibhaj) - "to divide, to distribute"
    • Meaning: "divide"
  9. ज्ञानराशिना (jñānarāṣinā):

    • ज्ञान (jñāna) - "knowledge"
    • राशि (rāṣi) - "sum, collection"
    • इना (inā) - instrumental suffix
    • Meaning: "by the sum of knowledge"
  10. २४ (24):

    • It's a numeral, representing the verse number.


May 27, 2024, 9:18:37 PMMay 27
to samskrita

Anunad Singh

May 28, 2024, 4:05:18 AMMay 28
This Hindi article is indeed created by me. The meaning of the shloka in Hindi is also done by me based on the English translation of the shloka by some unknown person.

I am not able to comprehend the words used in the shloka. If somebody can help me understand its literal meaning, it will be a great help.

On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 6:48 AM kenp <> wrote:
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Anunad Singh

May 28, 2024, 10:46:54 AMMay 28
The meaning of the words has increased the confusion. I am finding no word for 'multiplication'. Also, 'day' is nowhere in the English translation.

On Tue, May 28, 2024 at 6:48 AM kenp <> wrote:
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S. L. Abhyankar

May 29, 2024, 2:14:18 AMMay 29
I get different versions of this verse. 



As in the images below from <(संदर्भः -पृष्ठम्:Jyautisha_Vedangam.pdf/1 to 57) > अभ्यस्तम् = गुणितम् 
Actually in the pages below is the सुधाकरभाष्यम् by महामहोपाध्यायः सुधाकर-द्विवेदी-महोदयः on this verse. 

Cordially, S. L. Abhyankar
सस्नेहमिदम् अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नस्य श्रीपादस्य |
"श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् ।"
My blogs मम जालपुटानि - 
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Anunad Singh

May 29, 2024, 3:08:21 AMMay 29

साधुवादः !!

अभ्यस्तम् = गुणितम्  is a great help here.

The difference you have pointed out may be attributed to whether the shloka appears in ऋग्वेदाङ्गज्योतिष, यजुर्वेदाङ्गज्योतिष or अथर्ववेदाङ्गज्योतिष।  This statement is supported by the following text from Hindi Wikipedia which is mostly taken from .

वर्तमान समय में 'वेदाङ्ग ज्योतिष' के नाम से तीन ग्रन्थ माने जा सकते हैं, पहला- ऋग्वेदाङ्गज्योतिष, दूसरा- यजुर्वेदाङ्गज्योतिष और तीसरा- अथर्ववेदाङ्गज्योतिष।

  • (१) ऋग्वेद का ज्यौतिष शास्त्र - आर्चज्याेतिषम् : इसमें ३६ पद्य हैं। इसके रचना के काल के बारे में बहुत मतभेद है। एक विचार के अनुसार इसका काल १३५० ई पू माना जाता है। अतः यह संसार का ही सर्वप्राचीन ज्याेतिष ग्रन्थ माना जा सकता है। यह ज्योतिष का आधार ग्रन्थ है।
  • (२) यजुर्वेद का ज्यौतिष शास्त्र – याजुषज्याेतिषम् : इसमें ४४ पद्य हैं।
  • (३) अथर्ववेद ज्यौतिष शास्त्र - आथर्वणज्याेतिषम् : इसमें १६२ पद्य हैं।

इनमें ऋक् और यजुः ज्याेतिषाें के प्रणेता लगध नामक आचार्य हैं। अथर्व ज्याेतिष के प्रणेता का पता नहीं है। सामवेद ज्योतिष नाम का कोई ग्रन्थ उपलब्ध नहीं है। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि सामवेद और अथर्ववेद दोनों के लिए अथर्ववेद ज्योतिष नाम का ग्रन्थ ही है। ऋग्वेद ज्योतिष और यजुर्वेद ज्योतिष में लगभग साठ-सत्तर प्रतिशत साम्य है। तीस से चालीस प्रतिशत श्लोकों में भिन्नता है।

--- ------ -----

Can I get a translation of the following भाष्य in English or in Hindi ?

इत्येव पूर्वोदितविधिना उपायसमुद्देशो वेधोपायोपदेश एव बोध्यः । वेधेन ज्ञातराशौ गतं प्राप्तं कमपि पदार्थ विज्ञाय ततो ज्ञेयराशौ तत्पदानयनार्थ गणको ज्ञानराशि सम्बन्धिगतेन पदार्थेनाभ्यस्तं गुणितं ज्ञेयराशि ज्ञानराशिना विभजेत् फलं ज्ञेयराशिसम्बधि तत्पदार्थमानं भवति । एवं ज्ञानराशिना भूयः पुनः पुनः सर्वान् सावनदिवसादीन् प्रकल्पयेदिति । अत्रोपपत्तिः । ज्ञेयराशिरिच्छारा शिस्ततस्त्रैराशिकेन वासना स्फुटा ॥ ४३ ॥

S. L. Abhyankar

May 29, 2024, 5:47:24 AMMay 29
It comes to mind that वेदाङ्गज्योतिषम् is a study compiled by लगधऋषिः. 
Of course लगधऋषिः is not a वेदर्षिः, right ? 
Looks like his compilation made ज्योतिष् to be recognised as a वेदाङ्गम्.  
It would have been good, if in his वेदाङ्गज्योतिषम् he would have given references to explain which श्लोकः in आर्चज्योतिषम् is based on which ऋक् or ऋचः of ऋग्वेदः or which श्लोकः in याजुषज्योतिषम् is based on which यजुर्वेदमन्त्रः / यजुर्वेदमन्त्राः 
Maybe somebody can take this up as a topic for PhD studies. 

On Wed, 29 May 2024 at 12:38, Anunad Singh <> wrote:

साधुवादः !!

अभ्यस्तम् = गुणितम्  is a great help here.

The difference you have pointed out may be attributed to whether the shloka appears in ऋग्वेदाङ्गज्योतिष, यजुर्वेदाङ्गज्योतिष or अथर्ववेदाङ्गज्योतिष।  This statement is supported by the following text from Hindi Wikipedia which is mostly taken from .

वर्तमान समय में 'वेदाङ्ग ज्योतिष' के नाम से तीन ग्रन्थ माने जा सकते हैं, पहला- ऋग्वेदाङ्गज्योतिष, दूसरा- यजुर्वेदाङ्गज्योतिष और तीसरा- अथर्ववेदाङ्गज्योतिष।

  • (१) ऋग्वेद का ज्यौतिष शास्त्र - आर्चज्याेतिषम् : इसमें ३६ पद्य हैं। इसके रचना के काल के बारे में बहुत मतभेद है। एक विचार के अनुसार इसका काल १३५० ई पू माना जाता है। अतः यह संसार का ही सर्वप्राचीन ज्याेतिष ग्रन्थ माना जा सकता है। यह ज्योतिष का आधार ग्रन्थ है।
  • (२) यजुर्वेद का ज्यौतिष शास्त्र – याजुषज्याेतिषम् : इसमें ४४ पद्य हैं।
  • (३) अथर्ववेद ज्यौतिष शास्त्र - आथर्वणज्याेतिषम् : इसमें १६२ पद्य हैं।

इनमें ऋक् और यजुः ज्याेतिषाें के प्रणेता लगध नामक आचार्य हैं। अथर्व ज्याेतिष के प्रणेता का पता नहीं है। सामवेद ज्योतिष नाम का कोई ग्रन्थ उपलब्ध नहीं है। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि सामवेद और अथर्ववेद दोनों के लिए अथर्ववेद ज्योतिष नाम का ग्रन्थ ही है। ऋग्वेद ज्योतिष और यजुर्वेद ज्योतिष में लगभग साठ-सत्तर प्रतिशत साम्य है। तीस से चालीस प्रतिशत श्लोकों में भिन्नता है।

--- ------ -----

Can I get a translation of the following भाष्य in English or in Hindi ?

इत्येव पूर्वोदितविधिना उपायसमुद्देशो वेधोपायोपदेश एव बोध्यः । वेधेन ज्ञातराशौ गतं प्राप्तं कमपि पदार्थ विज्ञाय ततो ज्ञेयराशौ तत्पदानयनार्थ गणको ज्ञानराशि सम्बन्धिगतेन पदार्थेनाभ्यस्तं गुणितं ज्ञेयराशि ज्ञानराशिना विभजेत् फलं ज्ञेयराशिसम्बधि तत्पदार्थमानं भवति । एवं ज्ञानराशिना भूयः पुनः पुनः सर्वान् सावनदिवसादीन् प्रकल्पयेदिति । अत्रोपपत्तिः । ज्ञेयराशिरिच्छारा शिस्ततस्त्रैराशिकेन वासना स्फुटा ॥ ४३ ॥

On Wed, May 29, 2024 at 11:44 AM S. L. Abhyankar <> wrote:
I get different versions of this verse. 



As in the images below from <(संदर्भः -पृष्ठम्:Jyautisha_Vedangam.pdf/1 to 57) > अभ्यस्तम् = गुणितम् 
Actually in the pages below is the सुधाकरभाष्यम् by महामहोपाध्यायः सुधाकर-द्विवेदी-महोदयः on this verse. 

Cordially, S. L. Abhyankar
On Tue, 28 May 2024 at 20:16, Anunad Singh <> wrote:

S. L. Abhyankar

May 29, 2024, 6:12:24 AMMay 29
Thanks for scripting the following from the सुधाकरभाष्यम्, though there need to be some corrections at the highlighted places

इत्येव पूर्वोदितविधिना उपायसमुद्देशो वेधोपायोपदेश एव बोध्यः । वेधेन ज्ञातराशौ गतं प्राप्तं कमपि पदार्थ विज्ञाय ततो ज्ञेयराशौ तत्पदानयनार्थ गणको ज्ञानराशि सम्बन्धिगतेन पदार्थेनाभ्यस्तं गुणितं ज्ञेयराशि ज्ञानराशिना विभजेत् फलं ज्ञेयराशिसम्बधि तत्पदार्थमानं भवति । एवं ज्ञानराशिना भूयः पुनः पुनः सर्वान् सावनदिवसादीन् प्रकल्पयेदिति । अत्रोपपत्तिः । ज्ञेयराशिरिच्छाराशिस्ततस्त्रैराशिकेन वासना स्फुटा ॥ ४३ ॥

First of all पदच्छेदैः => 

इति एव पूर्व-उदितविधिना उपायसमुद्देश: वेध-उपाय-उपदेश: एव बोध्यः । वेधेन ज्ञातराशौ गतं प्राप्तं कम् अपि पदार्थम् विज्ञाय तत: ज्ञेयराशौ तत्-पद-अर्थ-आनयन-अर्थम् गणक:  ज्ञानराशिसम्बन्धिगतेन पदार्थेन अभ्यस्तं गुणितं ज्ञेयराशिम् ज्ञानराशिना विभजेत् फलं ज्ञेयराशिसम्बधि तत्-पद-अर्थ-मानं भवति । एवं ज्ञानराशिना भूयः पुनः पुनः सर्वान् सावनदिवस-आदीन् प्रकल्पयेत् इति । अत्र उपपत्तिः । ज्ञेयराशि: इच्छाराशि:  ततः त्रैराशिकेन वासना स्फुटा ॥ ४३ ॥

Now पूर्व-उदितविधिना (?) What is that पूर्व-उदितविधि: ?  
उपायसमुद्देश: वेध-उपाय-उपदेश: एव बोध्यः = उपायसमुद्देश: is the same as वेध-उपाय-उपदेश:.
Here  वेध:, उपाय:, उपदेश: also seem to be technical terminologies. 
वासना what is desired स्फुटा is clear. 
Is this a good beginning to carry the translation further ?
Actually the given त्रैराशिक-formula is okay for DIRECT PROPORTION, not for INVERSE PROPORTION. 

On Wed, 29 May 2024 at 12:38, Anunad Singh <> wrote:

Bandaru Viswanath

May 29, 2024, 12:15:46 PMMay 29
For moderators - I have posted some message on this thread some time ago, doesn't seem to have approved. Could you please check ?

Anunad Singh

May 30, 2024, 1:55:46 AMMay 30
साधुवादं पुनश्च।
I think there is sufficient clue to get the meaning of the shloka now. I am trying it myself.

Regarding this method being applicable for DIRECT PROPORTION only, I would like to say that its importance does not become less. Considering the time it was 'published', it was a pioneering method. Moreover, the case of INVERSE PROPORTION is not the only case of variation besides DIRECT PROPORTION. A quantity 'a' can vary with a^2 ( 'a' square), a^3, 1/a^2 and 1/a^3 and in so many other ways too. They are all NOT taught in the same chapter even today.

संस्कृत संवादः

Jun 28, 2024, 6:04:32 AMJun 28
to samskrita
विलम्बितः साधुवादः।

रविवार, 26 मई 2024 को 3:49:40 pm UTC+5:30 बजे अभ्यंकरकुलोत्पन्नः श्रीपादः | श्रीपतेः पदयुगं स्मरणीयम् । ने लिखा:
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