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SAMHSA DTAC March Bulletin: Hispanic and Latino Disaster Behavioral Health

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Mar 12, 2024, 1:59:59 PM3/12/24
Greetings members,

Below we are sharing the content from the most recent SAMHSA DTAC Bulletin, focused on Hispanic and Latino Disaster Behavioral Health.

To subscribe directly to the Bulletin and other SAMHSA DTAC publications, click here

Please respond to this thread to share any other resources, ask questions, or share your thoughts on this topic.  

Hispanic and Latino Disaster Behavioral Health

Hispanic and Latino communities have long displayed resilience, determination, and achievement despite facing historical trauma, prejudice, and discrimination. These diverse groups have contributed to U.S. government, science, technology, art, and other aspects of national life. Despite barriers to quality behavioral health care and stigma related to mental health, increased development of Hispanic- and Latino-specific behavioral health resources and education continue to help professionals improve the services they provide for Hispanic and Latino individuals and communities.

The following resources offer valuable insights, strategies, and tools to promote the support of mental well-being and resilience within Latino and Hispanic communities, including communities affected by disasters.

The Experience of Being a Non-Latino Mental Health Professional Who Works with Latinx Clients: Providing Appropriate Transcultural CareSurvey Image

This booklet is dedicated to advancing health and behavioral health equity within Latinx communities by outlining recruitment methods for non-Latinx health professionals and providing comprehensive strategies to enhance the cultural competence of all professionals serving Latinx populations. Additionally, it delves into essential cultural considerations for improving mental health services and offers guidance for non-Latinx mental health professionals in this context.

Mental Health Disparities Among Hispanic and Latino PopulationsSurvey Image

Developed by the National Hispanic and Latino Mental Health Technology Transfer Center, this publication details the disparities Hispanic and Latino communities experience with mental health care. It provides valuable recommendations for mental health professionals, researchers, and the public to mitigate experienced disparities in mental health care, emphasizing the importance of raising awareness and advocating for culturally grounded, evidence-based interventions within such communities.

Hispanic/Latinx Identity and Cultural DimensionsSurvey Image

Provided by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), this web page explores the intricate landscape of mental health within Hispanic/Latinx communities in the United States. It highlights the hurdles faced by these communities, including language barriers, socioeconomic disparities, and the stigma surrounding mental health. The web page offers a list of resources and support networks tailored to individuals seeking mental health assistance within the Hispanic/Latinx community.

Mental Health Challenges and Support: Latinx CommunitiesSurvey Image

Developed by NAMI California, this web page addresses the diverse mental health concerns faced by the Latinx community, including common conditions and the unique barriers to accessing care. It offers information, resources, and personal stories to empower Latinx individuals and their families to improve their mental health.

If you have any questions or if you would like additional information, please reach out to the SAMHSA DTAC team at 1-800-308-3515 or via e-mail at

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