PP&T ask "Does Race Matter?"

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charing ball

Jun 20, 2009, 7:02:54 AM6/20/09
People, Places & Things is Back!
 Same Time, Same Station but an all new Format! 
11 a.m. to 12 p.m.!  G-town Radio! 
I've been all around town, capturing all the fantastic things that Philly has to offer.
It's grassroots at its best and it's positively progressive!
On Docket this Week:  Race and Sexual Orientation: Why does it matter?

Swirl Philly tours and talks Race at Franklin Insitute/T. Desiree Hines brings the pride with The Festivus /Shareef Jenkins discusses why Zachary had three mothers/and how you might be counted in the Census 2010...this show is indeed positively progressive. Listen live: G-town Radio, www.gtownradio.com
And if you miss the show live, check us out on these fine podcast sites:
www.ppt.mypodcast.com or www.ppt.podomatic.com
People, Places & Things
now on Sundays from 11 to 12 p.m.
Gtown Radio, www.gtownradio.com.  Archives: www.ppt.mypodcast.com

All that you touch, you Change.

All that you Change, Changes you.

The only lasting truth is Change.

God is Change.

-Earthseed, the Books of the Living
(Octavia E. Butler, The Parables of the Sower)
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