PP&T Turns the Tables on Police Brutality

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charing ball

Jan 16, 2009, 8:56:00 PM1/16/09
to sapphir...@gmail.com
People, Places & Things
is Live!!!!
11 a.m.-12 p.m.
on Gtown Radio
In the wake of the murder of Oscar Grant III and other widely publicized police shooting, Charing Ball and special guest co-host Len "Cruze" Webb, welcomes Kwami K. Kwami, author of the "THE TABLES HAVE TURNED: A Street Guide to Guerrilla Lawfare."  Kwami, who is the youngest person to ever become eligible to be a District Justice in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, will show us the importance of not only learning and applying the law as it was written but also how to turn the law on itself as an effective means for dealing with police brutality and misconduct.    
Since Kwami is calling in, make sure to AOL, Yahoo and MSN Instant Message your questions, keyword: gtownradio.
People, Places & Things
now on Sundays from 11 to 12 p.m.
Gtown Radio, www.gtownradio.com.  Archives: www.ppt.mypodcast.com

All that you touch, you Change.

All that you Change, Changes you.

The only lasting truth is Change.

God is Change.

-Earthseed, the Books of the Living
(Octavia E. Butler, The Parables of the Sower)
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