"The Arrivals" arrive on PP&T

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charing ball

2009年2月7日 下午6:28:452009/2/7
Hello All,
Here I go with the late announcements again.
But if you around on Sunday, Feb. 8th, at 11 a.m., please join me and my new Co-host Len "Cruze" Webb as we welcome the creators behind the The Wakeup Project, creators of the Online series "The Arrivals" which has become a global event,viewed more than 3 million times on YouTube.  Their new series, The Divine Book" has launched and highlights a common ground for ppl from all faiths to build on. So u can check some of those episodes on their youtube page http://www.youtube.com/user/noreagaaa
if you miss us live, check out our archives at www.ppt.mypodcast.com
People, Places & Things
now on Sundays from 11 to 12 p.m.
Gtown Radio, www.gtownradio.com.  Archives: www.ppt.mypodcast.com

All that you touch, you Change.

All that you Change, Changes you.

The only lasting truth is Change.

God is Change.

-Earthseed, the Books of the Living
(Octavia E. Butler, The Parables of the Sower)
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