PP&T Fades to Black

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charing ball

Mar 20, 2009, 7:57:35 PM3/20/09
People, Places & Things is live
every Sunday, 11 a.m. to 12 noon
on Gtown Radio
This Sunday, March 22,  Charing and Len get their Sickel and Ebert on with Nicole Ross, of the Philadelphia Film Festival/CineFest, which is lauching Fade to Black during its upcoming film festival. Up to 10 films by African Americans - or exploring African-American issues - will be featured during the festival, which will be held from March 26 through April 6, at various venues throughout the city.
Plus Len and Charing will Raccoon Rape, People who are too fat to work and other news stories that belong in a movie script.
Join us live via AOL, YAHOO, MSN and GMAIL, instant message, keyword: gtownradio.  Or catch up with us later on the new podcast site www.ppt.podomatic.com
People, Places & Things
now on Sundays from 11 to 12 p.m.
Gtown Radio, www.gtownradio.com.  Archives: www.ppt.podomatic.com

All that you touch, you Change.

All that you Change, Changes you.

The only lasting truth is Change.

God is Change.

-Earthseed, the Books of the Living
(Octavia E. Butler, The Parables of the Sower)
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