I didnt run the facts block through a linter because I didnt think salt would be looking at that. Considering the `puppet.py` file says:
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Execute an unmodified puppet_node_classifier and read the output as YAML. The YAML data is then directly overlaid onto the minion's Pillar data.
import logging
import salt.utils.yaml
# Don't "fix" the above docstring to put it on two lines, as the sphinx
# autosummary pulls only the first line for its description.
# Set up logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
log.critical('Just doing some testing')
def ext_pillar(minion_id, pillar, command): # pylint: disable=W0613
Execute an unmodified puppet_node_classifier and read the output as YAML
log.critical('try block')
data = salt.utils.yaml.safe_load(__salt__['cmd.run'
]('{} {}'.format(command, minion_id)))
print data
return data['parameters']
except Exception:
# pylint: disable=broad-except
log.critical('YAML data from %s failed to parse', command)
return {}
Which is returning the `parameters` block, which is correctly styled yaml. No, I have not seen that foreman ext_pillar yet. Wow, thanks. Going to look at it, but still wondering whats going on, considering what Im doing is exactly how Foreman states to do this.