I have recently deployed using terraform two ubuntu 22.04 salt minions in Google cloud. Both are running salt v3007.1 as is the salt master.
On one of the minions, when I run a state.highstate, I see the errors below. I've manually removed and reinstalled salt-minion/salt-common and have fully patched the OS but continue to see these issues.
It doesn't happen on the other minion and I'm stumped and could used some other ideas of what to look for. Thanks!
[ERROR ] Failed to sync clouds module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync beacons module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync modules module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync states module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync sdb module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync grains module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync renderers module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync returners module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync output module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync utils module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync log_handlers module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync executors module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync proxy module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync engines module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync thorium module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync serializers module: File client timed out after 180 seconds
[ERROR ] Failed to sync matchers module: File client timed out after 180 seconds