SALSA Least Squares

Contact owners and managers
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Welcome to the Google Group collaboration page for the Surveyor’s Applications for Least Squares Adjustment, or SALSA. SALSA is a feature-rich rigorous 3-D geodetic least squares adjustment software package developed by Applied Research Laboratories, The University of Texas at Austin (ARL:UT). We are excited to make SALSA available to the global community of surveyors, geodesists, and anyone who has an interest in optimally combining spatial measurements using weighted least squares.

SALSA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPL-3.0-only) as published by the Free Software Foundation. Refer to the license file, COPYING, in the project root directory for more detail.

SALSA source code and Windows installer file can be obtained from the SALSA project page at

Guidelines for posting to this forum:
  • Please review the relevant documentation before posting questions; this will help maintain a high quality dialogue on this forum.
    • If you have questions about using SALSA, please review the User Manual first.
    • If you have questions about building SALSA, please review the document at the project root.
  • Please be kind, helpful, patient, and understanding; this is a community of people helping one another.
  • In reporting bugs, please include specific steps to reproduce the issue and minimal data sets (or links to data sets) if applicable.
  • We do not yet have a mechanism to support outside (of ARL:UT) contributions to the project; please let us know if you have a specific contribution (bug fix, file converter, etc.) that you believe would benefit the project, and we will address this on a case by case basis.
Thank you, and enjoy the SALSA!