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Integrating Access Control System with Hackerspaces Passport and Membership Software

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Wise Cricket

Jul 16, 2011, 4:30:01 AM7/16/11
Jigsaw Renaissance are looking into integrating Nadine and Hackerspaces Passport with our door locks

If you are able to commit time to help us designing or building, please post to:Inscape Access Control System
  • If you are interested in the project, please go to the group and sign up.
  • There will be opportunities to work on embedded firmware, electronics, mechanics, encryption, and the membership software application.
  • You can then control whether to get each email separately or receive a digest once a day.

About the project:
This project will provide an electronic door access for our new building. The project will involve providing several badge readers (probably RFID), and door lock controllers as well as a car park induction loop.

Finally there is a need for software that manages the keys and access privileges. This software must be easy to use as the building landlord will use it.

Jigsaw Renaissance is a learning and making community, a collaborative community dedicated to collective education and creation. Our mission is to create an environment in which success, failure, and most of all discovery are celebrated. Our vision is that this environment will foster an enduring sense of wonder and a drive to effect change in ourselves, our communities, and the world.

Contact us, so we can chat about scheduling something cool together.

Ultimate Regards,

Budi Mulyo
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