Electromagnetic Field 2014: Call for Participation

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Jonty Wareing

Jul 7, 2014, 3:41:27 PM7/7/14
to sh-hac...@googlegroups.com, hackspac...@lists.aktivix.org, E-Space...@googlegroups.com, dorsetcons...@googlegroups.com, oxford-h...@googlegroups.com, swindon-...@googlegroups.com, birmingham...@googlegroups.com, tek...@yahoogroups.co.uk, salop-h...@googlegroups.com, potteries...@googlegroups.com, leeds-ha...@googlegroups.com, york-ha...@googlegroups.com, dis...@edinburghhacklab.com, 57north...@lists.57north.co, hackspac...@googlegroups.com, hack...@swansea.hackspace.org.uk

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) is a volunteer-run non-profit maker/hacker camping festival in the UK. We held our first event in 2012, and this year we're back and bigger than ever: a camping festival with over 1200 people of all ages, just outside Milton Keynes for a long weekend between the 29th and 31st of August.

We run this event to promote people making and learning things across as many disciplines as possible. We'll take over a large field, roll out power and internet to every tent, and put on talks and workshops for three days.

If you'd like a better idea of what that looks like, our website might help:

Our Call For Participation is open: we're looking for people to talk or give workshops. At previous events, we've had a huge variety of talks on everything from genetic modification to electronics, blacksmithing to high-energy physics, reverse engineering to lock picking, computer security to crocheting, and quadcopters to brewing. If you'd like to talk, we'll try and fit you in.

We're especially keen to receive proposals from people outside the normal tech conference circuit (we welcome imposters!). If you need some inspiration, take a look at the list of talks from 2012:

If you'd like to submit a talk, simply fill in this short form:

We're also looking for groups to run villages: camps within EMF where like-minded people can camp together and host activities for other members. Previous villages have been anything from retro-gaming to lockpicking, chillout areas, and a full workshop complete with laser cutter! Some groups just camp together so interested people can find them, some organise a village around a topic of interest and allow anyone to join them.

If you'd like to register a village there's more information here:

We're also looking for people to build installations and art around the site. We have a limited budget available to help fund these projects, and you can find the application form on the call for participation page. Previous years have seen anything from ride-on tanks to floating LED screens and gigantic metal letters spelling out the event name! We'll consider anything interesting, so don't hesitate to get in touch if you would like to contribute.

Last but not least: EMF is an entirely volunteer-run event and takes a vast amount of time to organise. We need volunteers to help out in a variety of roles before, during, and after the event. If you'd like to get involved, email volu...@emfcamp.org.

If you would like promotional posters, flyers and stickers to display in your hackspace or give out at a meeting, email your address to con...@emfcamp.org and we'll post them out as soon as possible!

You can find out more about EMF 2014 on our website:

You may also be interested in the BBC coverage of the event in 2012:

Tickets are available from http://www.emfcamp.org/tickets, hope to see you in the field!

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