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FW: [hsNW] Derby Mini Maker Faire 2nd 3rd June 2012

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Richard Smedley

May 7, 2012, 11:16:27 AM5/7/12
to Salop Hackspace
Don't miss out on the upcoming Maker Faire in Derby...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dominic Nottinghack <>
Date: 7 May 2012 15:55
Subject: [hsNW] Derby Mini Maker Faire 2nd 3rd June 2012

Hello Hackspace People

We've had some great applications to exhibit things from some of the
bigger Hackspaces and they have been sent confirmations of their
inclusion in the Derby Mini Maker Faire.

Just to remind you the Maker Faire will be on 3rd June 2012. We'll be
having a Makers and Hackers ONLY day on the Saturday 2nd June THIS IS

In addition to these exhibitors from large Hackspaces I'd like to
provide a few tables for other Hackspace that as yet have not applied
to exhibit. We'll probably jumble you near to the larger Hackspaces
who are already confirmed as in attendance. However at this time I
need to get an idea of numbers. We'd like to provide some Maker passes
and some free entry tickets to Hacker groups and Hackspace but they
need to please contact me directly with the number of folk you might
bring and the exhibits or items you might want to bring along.

We might be able to find accommodation for some visitor (sofa surfing)
and we may well put on a small meetup at the Nottingham Hackspace
(about 20 miles away) on the Friday 1st June 2012 for members of other
Hackspaces who wish to visit. All this CAN be made possible if we get
an idea of numbers and interest.

Please email me:

Looking forward to seeing you at the Maker Faire! If you just want to
come along as a visitor tickets are now on sale too

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