Number or reads mapped against the transcriptome

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Lucila Traverso

Oct 13, 2018, 12:19:19 AM10/13/18
to Sailfish Users Group
Hi everyone,
I have performed an analysis in the non-alignment based-form. I would like to know the number of reads that mapped against the transcriptome, but I have some doubts about the output:

I know that my sample has 23.005.930 reads in each library (PE-reads), and the log file says:

...[info] Counted 14891682 total reads in the equivalence classes
...[info] Mapping rate = 71.4513%

Is it correct to say 14.891.682 are the number of reads from each library that are actually used to quantify, and 71.45% of them have mapped against my transcriptome? So I have about 10 million of PE-reads mapped against the transcriptome?

Thank you so much for your help,
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