sam-xlate to convert genomic coordinates

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Vitor Aguiar

Dec 28, 2020, 9:46:26 AM12/28/20
to Sailfish Users Group
Hi all,

does anyone have experience with the sam-xlate tool to convert genomic to transcriptomic coordinates? It is recommended in the Salmon documentation since the early versions, but the project looks rather abandoned on github, it that correct?

I want to give it a shot, but I want to generate my own bed file from a GTF and I can't understand the example bed file. It resembles a UCSC reFlat table, but with a different order of columns, including end before start column, and apparently relative instead of absolute positions.

This is the example BED:

Can anyone help?

Thank you,

Vitor Aguiar

Jan 12, 2021, 3:37:00 PM1/12/21
to Sailfish Users Group
For those interested on this topic,

the file format is BED12. I was able to convert a GTF to BED12, and run sam-xlate. However, I'm still not confident with the expression estimates I'm getting from the sam-xlate BAM (with Salmon). 

More on this discussion here:
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