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William Stein

May 1, 2009, 3:00:59 PM5/1/09
to beezer,,
Hi Rob (Beezer),

Thanks for advertising Sage Days 15 in the MAA magazine, etc. I'm
curious -- as of now does anybody reading this email have any
indication that there will be anybody from teaching
colleges/universities besides you at SD15 on Saturday? I'm asking so
we can figure out how much time in the schedule to allot to teaching
talks/tutorials versus developer talks/tutorials. It would be useful
to be able to gauge our audience.

Anyway, I'm just curious if anybody has got any feedback at all.


William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

Rob Beezer

May 1, 2009, 4:17:29 PM5/1/09
to sagedays15
Hi William,

I've had no feedback from the announcement in the MAA newsletter.
I've yet to send something out on my "Combinatorial Potlatch" list,
but that is not necessarily the teaching crowd. There is also the MAA
Liasion email list, which I might be able to get something out on. If
I get those announcements out, then I'll solicit replies about
interest level for the teaching-focused talks.

I think davidp is at Reed, which is an undergraduate institution, and
he is planning to come to SD15.


William Stein

May 1, 2009, 4:20:01 PM5/1/09
On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 1:17 PM, Rob Beezer <> wrote:
> Hi William,
> I've had no feedback from the announcement in the MAA newsletter.
> I've yet to send something out on my "Combinatorial Potlatch" list,
> but that is not necessarily the teaching crowd.  There is also the MAA
> Liasion email list, which I might be able to get something out on.  If
> I get those announcements out, then I'll solicit replies about
> interest level for the teaching-focused talks.
> I think davidp is at Reed, which is an undergraduate institution, and
> he is planning to come to SD15.

Even without much feedback, I still think a lot of the currently 29
registered people will be interested in some talks about undergrad
teaching. I know I certainly will be!

I'm off to talk about graph theory in my undergrad sage class right now...


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