PLEASE somebody update the virtual box info (e.g., remove?)

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May 11, 2011, 6:21:50 PM5/11/11
to sage-devel,
Yet another email - this one to me directly - about trying to use Sage
on Windows.

This user wants to use Virtual Box. (Apparently VMWare Player doesn't
work on their server... which is a VMWare server. Don't ask.) But I
don't think we use that any more, correct? Yet
has tons of stuff about this, and even the 'official' mirror page for
windows downloads makes it sound a lot more like VBox is supported
than is the case.

Also, the VMWare image is Sage 4.6 ?!?! Just a little behind the

Until the Cygwin issue gets resolved (and there has been some exciting
progress made lately, thank you so much to Mike and Dima et al.), we
at the very least need this to work, and be reasonably up-to-date.

- kcrisman

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