spawn problem while building maxima on WIndows 7 / Cygwin 1.7.9 (rebasing needed???)

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Dima Pasechnik

Apr 26, 2011, 12:28:24 PM4/26/11
to sage-windows
it stops with the following:
;;; Emitting code for DO-MERGE-SYMM.
;;; Emitting code for DO-MERGE-ASYM.
;;; Note:
;;; Constant value optimized away or not used
;;; (t)
3 [main] ecl 2448 C:\cygwin\home\dima\sage-4.7.alpha5\local\bin
\ecl.exe: *
** fatal error - unable to remap \\?\C:\cygwin\tmp\eclfeH9uJ.dll to
same address
as parent: 0x510000 != 0x810000
3 [main] ecl 2448 C:\cygwin\home\dima\sage-4.7.alpha5\local\bin
\ecl.exe: *
** fatal error - unable to remap \\?\C:\cygwin\tmp\eclfeH9uJ.dll to
same address
as parent: 0x510000 != 0x810000
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
0022A468 6102796B (0022A468, 00000000, 00000000, 00000000)
0022A758 6102796B (6117EC60, 00008000, 00000000, 61180977)
0022B788 61004F1B (611A7FAC, 6124DDB4, 00510000, 00810000)
End of stack trace
3 [main] ecl 1724 fork: child 2448 - died waiting for dll
loading, errno 1
3 [main] ecl 1724 fork: child 2448 - died waiting for dll
loading, errno 1
;;; Note:
;;; Invoking external command:
;;; gcc -I. -I/home/dima/sage-4.7.alpha5/local/include/ -I/home/dima/
alpha5/local/include -g -O2 -Dcygwin -O2 -w -c binary-ecl/clmacs.c -o
Could not spawn subprocess to run "gcc".

Available restarts:

2. (CONTINUE) Ignore initialization errors and continue.
3. (ABORT) Quit ECL unsafely, ignoring all existing threads.

Top level.

Does this mean that .exe, .so, and .dll stuff in SAGEROOT/local/ needs
to be rebased as soon as it's created?


Dima Pasechnik

Apr 26, 2011, 1:28:37 PM4/26/11
to sage-windows, sage-devel
I am in particular puzzled by these temporary DLLs in the log:

Is it Ecl that is creating these temporary DLLs?
Can anyone enlighten us on this?

;;; Emitting code for DO-MERGE-ASYM.
;;; Note:
;;; Constant value optimized away or not used
;;; (t)
3 [main] ecl 2448 C:\cygwin\home\dima\sage-4.7.alpha5\local\bin
\ecl.exe: *
** fatal error - unable to remap \\?\C:\cygwin\tmp\eclfeH9uJ.dll to
same address
as parent: 0x510000 != 0x810000
3 [main] ecl 2448 C:\cygwin\home\dima\sage-4.7.alpha5\local\bin
\ecl.exe: *
** fatal error - unable to remap \\?\C:\cygwin\tmp\eclfeH9uJ.dll to
same address
as parent: 0x510000 != 0x810000


Dima Pasechnik

Apr 27, 2011, 12:03:56 PM4/27/11
to sage-windows
Basically, it's an ECL bug/feature related to playing fast and loose
with DLLs.
It seems to be a show-stopper on Windows 7 for me.

Is it easy to disable compiling into C by ECL?


Apr 27, 2011, 12:44:58 PM4/27/11
to sage-windows

On Apr 27, 8:03 am, Dima Pasechnik <> wrote:
> Basically, it's an ECL bug/feature related to playing fast and loose
> with DLLs.
> It seems to be a show-stopper on Windows 7 for me.
> Is it easy to disable compiling into C by ECL?

You may want to post on sage-devel, or cc: upstream (Juanjo=Juan Jose
Garcia). Upstream has been extremely responsive in general with ECL,
and often does things specifically because we ask about them.

By the way, on that topic, I can't resist posting this - If you ever wanted to run a
Lisp program on iPhone, now is your chance!

- kcrisman

David Kirkby

Apr 27, 2011, 3:03:03 PM4/27/11
On 27 April 2011 13:03, Dima Pasechnik <> wrote:
> Basically, it's an ECL bug/feature related to playing fast and loose
> with DLLs.
> It seems to be a show-stopper on Windows 7 for me.

I would write your concerns to the ECL list. The developer is very
active and quick to respond to problems.


Dima Pasechnik

Apr 27, 2011, 4:25:55 PM4/27/11
to sage-windows

On Apr 27, 11:03 pm, David Kirkby <> wrote:
> On 27 April 2011 13:03, Dima Pasechnik <> wrote:
> > Basically, it's an ECL bug/feature related to playing fast and loose
> > with DLLs.
> > It seems to be a show-stopper on Windows 7 for me.
> I would write your concerns to the ECL list. The developer is very
> active and quick to respond to problems.

thanks, please do!

> Dave

Dr. David Kirkby

Apr 27, 2011, 7:31:34 PM4/27/11
I was suggesting you did it, but if you can create a trac ticket so I can point
them at something, then I'll post it to since I
am a member.

The main developear is Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll


Dima Pasechnik

Apr 28, 2011, 3:34:40 AM4/28/11
to sage-windows

Hi Dave,
there is a ticket for it :)


On Apr 28, 3:31 am, "Dr. David Kirkby" <>
> On 04/27/11 05:25 PM, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> > On Apr 27, 11:03 pm, David Kirkby<>  wrote:
> >> On 27 April 2011 13:03, Dima Pasechnik<>  wrote:
> >>> Basically, it's an ECL bug/feature related to playing fast and loose
> >>> with DLLs.
> >>> It seems to be a show-stopper on Windows 7 for me.
> >> I would write your concerns to the ECL list. The developer is very
> >> active and quick to respond to problems.
> > thanks, please do!
> >> Dave
> I was suggesting you did it, but if you can create a trac ticket so I can point
> them at something, then I'll post it to since I
> am a member.
> The main developear is Juan Jose Garcia-Ripoll
> Dave
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