Hi all. I tried to build sage from source, the build process went fine as far as I know(details below) but on running the tests by 'make ptestlong' there were 14 failed tests and some were skipped coz pytest was not installed. Here are details:
On checking the build logs I found that all the references to 'Error building' were related to these packages. Only their build and install failed:
But this happened at around 3,700th line in the 130,000 lines build log. Could this have caused the failed tests?
The logfile for the 'make ptestlong' was long so I am sharing a brief summary of all the failed tests and just their expected and actual outputs.
A few(7) of these fails like those in singular.py, function.py and asymptotics_multivariate_generating_functions.py happenned mainly due to difference in formatting of output.
3 tests failed because of wrong calculated results(2 in multi_polynomial_ideal.py and 1 in affine_homset.py ),
1 failed due to timeout(distance_regular.pyx) ,
and with others something went wrong during testing(memory.pyx, integer.pyx, hilbert.pyx).
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/ext/memory.pyx # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/interfaces/singular.py # 3 doctests failed
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx # 2 doctests failed
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/rings/asymptotic/asymptotics_multivariate_generating_functions.py # 2 doctests failed
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/rings/integer.pyx # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/rings/polynomial/hilbert.pyx # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_ideal.py # 2 doctests failed
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/schemes/affine/affine_homset.py # 1 doctest failed
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/graphs/generators/distance_regular.pyx # Timed out (and interrupt failed)
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/ext/memory.pyx
File "src/sage/ext/memory.pyx", line 9, in sage.ext.memory
Failed example:
Traceback (most recent call last):
RuntimeError: Aborted
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/goliath/.sage/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sage/doctest/forker.py", line 695, in _run
self.compile_and_execute(example, compiler, test.globs)
File "/home/goliath/.sage/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sage/doctest/forker.py", line 1093, in compile_and_execute
exec(compiled, globs)
File "<doctest sage.ext.memory[0]>", line 1, in <module>
File "sage/rings/integer.pyx", line 2188, in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__pow__ (build/cythonized/sage/rings/integer.c:14824)
return (<Integer>left)._pow_(right)
File "sage/rings/integer.pyx", line 2252, in sage.rings.integer.Integer._pow_ (build/cythonized/sage/rings/integer.c:15020)
return self._pow_long(mpz_get_si(exp))
File "sage/rings/integer.pyx", line 2284, in sage.rings.integer.Integer._pow_long (build/cythonized/sage/rings/integer.c:15404)
FloatingPointError: Floating point exception
1 item had failures:
1 of 2 in sage.ext.memory
[3 tests, 1 failure, 0.03 s]
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/interfaces/singular.py
File "src/sage/interfaces/singular.py", line 606, in sage.interfaces.singular.Singular.eval
Failed example:
'// 1 t^0\n// -3 t^2\n// 3 t^4\n// -1 t^6\n\n// 1 t^0\n//
3 t^1\n// 3 t^2\n// 1 t^3\n// dimension (affine) = 0\n//
degree (affine) = 8'
'-t6+3t4-3t2+1\n\nt3+3t2+3t+1\n// dimension (affine) = 0\n// degree (affine) = 8'
File "src/sage/interfaces/singular.py", line 615, in sage.interfaces.singular.Singular.eval
Failed example:
o = singular.eval('hilb(%s)'%(
// 1 t^0
// -3 t^2
// 3 t^4
// -1 t^6
// 1 t^0
// 3 t^1
// 3 t^2
// 1 t^3
// dimension (affine) = 0
// degree (affine) = 8
// dimension (affine) = 0
// degree (affine) = 8
File "src/sage/interfaces/singular.py", line 633, in sage.interfaces.singular.Singular.eval
Failed example:
o = s.hilb()
// 1 t^0
// -3 t^2
// 3 t^4
// -1 t^6
// 1 t^0
// 3 t^1
// 3 t^2
// 1 t^3
// dimension (affine) = 0
// degree (affine) = 8
// ** right side is not a datum, assignment ignored
// dimension (affine) = 0
// degree (affine) = 8
// ** right side is not a datum, assignment ignored
// ** in line >>def sage135=hilb(sage134);<<
1 item had failures:
3 of 13 in sage.interfaces.singular.Singular.eval
[414 tests, 3 failures, 3.86 s]
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx
File "src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx", line 1244, in sage.libs.singular.function.SingularFunction.__call__
Failed example:
hilb(I) # Singular will print // ** _ is no standard basis
// ** _ is no standard basis
// 1 t^0
// -1 t^5
// 1 t^0
// 1 t^1
// 1 t^2
// 1 t^3
// 1 t^4
// dimension (proj.) = 1
// degree (proj.) = 5
// ** _ is no standard basis
// dimension (proj.) = 1
// degree (proj.) = 5
File "src/sage/libs/singular/function.pyx", line 1259, in sage.libs.singular.function.SingularFunction.__call__
Failed example:
hilb(I,attributes={I:{'isSB':1}}) # no complaint from Singular
// 1 t^0
// -1 t^5
// 1 t^0
// 1 t^1
// 1 t^2
// 1 t^3
// 1 t^4
// dimension (proj.) = 1
// degree (proj.) = 5
// dimension (proj.) = 1
// degree (proj.) = 5
1 item had failures:
2 of 25 in sage.libs.singular.function.SingularFunction.__call__
[303 tests, 2 failures, 1.32 s]
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/rings/asymptotic/asymptotics_multivariate_generating_functions.py
File "src/sage/rings/asymptotic/asymptotics_multivariate_generating_functions.py", line 1254, in sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotics_multivariate_generating_functions.FractionWithFactoredDenominator.leinartas_decomposition
Failed example:
(0, []) +
(-(x*y^2*sin(x) + x^2*y + x*y + y*sin(x) + x)*y, [(y, 1)]) +
((x*y^2*sin(x) + x^2*y + x*y + y*sin(x) + x)*x*y, [(x*y + 1, 1)]) +
(x*y^2*sin(x) + x^2*y + x*y + y*sin(x) + x, [(y, 1), (x, 1)])
(0, []) + (-(x*y^2*sin(x) + x^2*y + x*y + y*sin(x) + x)*x, [(x, 1)]) + ((x*y^2*sin(x) + x^2*y + x*y + y*sin(x) + x)*x*y, [(x*y + 1, 1)]) + (x*y^2*sin(x) + x^2*y + x*y + y*sin(x) + x, [(y, 1), (x, 1)])
File "src/sage/rings/asymptotic/asymptotics_multivariate_generating_functions.py", line 1613, in sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotics_multivariate_generating_functions.FractionWithFactoredDenominator.?
Failed example:
decomp = F.asymptotic_decomposition(alpha); decomp
(0, []) +
(16*r*(3/x - 2/z) + 16/x - 16/z,
[(x + 2*y + z - 4, 1), (2*x + y + z - 4, 1)])
(0, []) + (16*r*(2/x - 1/y) + 32/3/x - 16/3/y, [(x + 2*y + z - 4, 1), (2*x + y + z - 4, 1)])
2 items had failures:
1 of 104 in sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotics_multivariate_generating_functions.FractionWithFactoredDenominator.?
1 of 32 in sage.rings.asymptotic.asymptotics_multivariate_generating_functions.FractionWithFactoredDenominator.leinartas_decomposition
[805 tests, 2 failures, 180.03 s]
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/rings/integer.pyx
File "src/sage/rings/integer.pyx", line 6616, in sage.rings.integer.Integer._shift_helper
Failed example:
print('Possible error output from gmp', flush=True)
1 << (2^60)
except (MemoryError, OverflowError, RuntimeError):
print("Failed to raise exception")
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/goliath/.sage/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sage/doctest/forker.py", line 695, in _run
self.compile_and_execute(example, compiler, test.globs)
File "/home/goliath/.sage/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sage/doctest/forker.py", line 1093, in compile_and_execute
exec(compiled, globs)
File "<doctest sage.rings.integer.Integer._shift_helper[8]>", line 3, in <module>
Integer(1) << (Integer(2)**Integer(60))
File "sage/rings/integer.pyx", line 6697, in sage.rings.integer.Integer.__lshift__ (build/cythonized/sage/rings/integer.c:41579)
return (<Integer>x)._shift_helper(y, 1)
File "sage/rings/integer.pyx", line 6658, in sage.rings.integer.Integer._shift_helper (build/cythonized/sage/rings/integer.c:41316)
FloatingPointError: Floating point exception
1 item had failures:
1 of 10 in sage.rings.integer.Integer._shift_helper
[1188 tests, 1 failure, 67.23 s]
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/rings/polynomial/hilbert.pyx
File "src/sage/rings/polynomial/hilbert.pyx", line 583, in sage.rings.polynomial.hilbert.hilbert_poincare_series
Failed example:
Exception raised:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/goliath/.sage/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sage/doctest/forker.py", line 695, in _run
self.compile_and_execute(example, compiler, test.globs)
File "/home/goliath/.sage/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sage/doctest/forker.py", line 1093, in compile_and_execute
exec(compiled, globs)
File "<doctest sage.rings.polynomial.hilbert.hilbert_poincare_series[11]>", line 1, in <module>
File "/home/goliath/.sage/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_ideal.py", line 298, in __call__
return self.f(self._instance, *args, **kwds)
File "/home/goliath/.sage/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sage/rings/qqbar_decorators.py", line 95, in wrapper
return func(*args, **kwds)
File "/home/goliath/.sage/lib/python3.11/site-packages/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_ideal.py", line 3098, in hilbert_numerator
hs = hilb(gb, 1, attributes={gb: {'isSB': 1}})
File "sage/libs/singular/function.pyx", line 1308, in sage.libs.singular.function.SingularFunction.__call__ (build/cythonized/sage/libs/singular/function.cpp:15721)
return call_function(self, args, ring, interruptible, attributes)
File "sage/libs/singular/function.pyx", line 1503, in sage.libs.singular.function.call_function (build/cythonized/sage/libs/singular/function.cpp:17727)
raise RuntimeError("error in Singular function call %r:\n%s" %
RuntimeError: error in Singular function call 'hilb':
overflow at t^22
1 item had failures:
1 of 13 in sage.rings.polynomial.hilbert.hilbert_poincare_series
[25 tests, 1 failure, 0.82 s]
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_ideal.py
File "src/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_ideal.py", line 2391, in sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ideal.?.saturation
Failed example:
(Ideal (y, x^5) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Rational Field, 4)
(Ideal (y, x^5) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Rational Field,
File "src/sage/rings/polynomial/multi_polynomial_ideal.py", line 2401, in sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ideal.?.saturation
Failed example:
I.saturation(other = J)
(Ideal (y, x^5) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Algebraic Field, 4)
(Ideal (y, x^5) of Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x, y, z over Algebraic Field,
1 item had failures:
2 of 9 in sage.rings.polynomial.multi_polynomial_ideal.?.saturation
[998 tests, 2 failures, 15.88 s]
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/schemes/affine/affine_homset.py
File "src/sage/schemes/affine/affine_homset.py", line 416, in sage.schemes.affine.affine_homset.SchemeHomset_points_affine.numerical_points
Failed example:
len(E(A.base_ring()).numerical_points(F=CDF, zero_tolerance=1e-9))
1 item had failures:
1 of 18 in sage.schemes.affine.affine_homset.SchemeHomset_points_affine.numerical_points
[57 tests, 1 failure, 1.33 s]
sage -t --long --random-seed=58428769053782332090552304923627068774 src/sage/graphs/generators/distance_regular.pyx
Timed out (and interrupt failed)
Tests run before process (pid=258165) timed out:
sage: G = graphs.cocliques_HoffmannSingleton() ## line 12 ##
sage: G.is_distance_regular() ## line 13 ##
sage: H = graphs.distance_regular_graph([15, 14, 10, 3, 1, 5, 12, 15]) ## line 15 ##
sage: H == G ## line 16 ##
sage: G = graphs.distance_regular_graph([27, 10, 1, 1, 10, 27]) ## line 18 ##
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ## line 19 ##
([27, 10, 1, None], [None, 1, 10, 27])
sage: sig_on_count() # check sig_on/off pairings (virtual doctest) ## line 26 ##
sage: G = graphs.cocliques_HoffmannSingleton() ## line 66 ##
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ## line 67 ##
([15, 14, 10, 3, None], [None, 1, 5, 12, 15])
sage: sig_on_count() # check sig_on/off pairings (virtual doctest) ## line 73 ##
sage: G = graphs.ConwaySmith_for_3S7() ## line 131 ##
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ## line 132 ##
([10, 6, 4, 1, None], [None, 1, 2, 6, 10])
sage: sig_on_count() # check sig_on/off pairings (virtual doctest) ## line 139 ##
sage: G = graphs.FosterGraph3S6() ## line 242 ##
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ## line 243 ##
([6, 4, 2, 1, None], [None, 1, 1, 4, 6])
sage: sig_on_count() # check sig_on/off pairings (virtual doctest) ## line 250 ##
sage: g = graphs.LargeWittGraph() ## line 320 ##
sage: g.is_distance_regular(True) ## line 321 ##
([30, 28, 24, None], [None, 1, 3, 15])
sage: sig_on_count() # check sig_on/off pairings (virtual doctest) ## line 330 ##
sage: G = graphs.TruncatedWittGraph() # long time ## line 358 ##
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) # long time (due to above) ## line 359 ##
([15, 14, 12, None], [None, 1, 1, 9])
sage: sig_on_count() # check sig_on/off pairings (virtual doctest) ## line 366 ##
sage: G = graphs.DoublyTruncatedWittGraph() ## line 387 ##
sage: G.is_distance_regular(True) ## line 388 ##
([7, 6, 4, 4, None], [None, 1, 1, 1, 6])
sage: sig_on_count() # check sig_on/off pairings (virtual doctest) ## line 395 ##
sage: G = graphs.distance_3_doubly_truncated_Golay_code_graph() # long time ## line 410 ##