chroot jail -- unable to mount image file

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Neal Holtz

Mar 22, 2008, 11:18:46 AM3/22/08
to sage-support,

I'm trying to build a chroot jail (on Ubunti feisty) using the
instructions in:

I've created the image file and made a file system to here:

mke2fs -j sage_chroot.image

and no noticable errors

But I can't mount it. I've tried the following in /etc/fstab

/files/sage_chroot.image /sage_chroot ext3 bind 0 0

and several permuations, and I always get

"mount: Not a directory"

Due to space limitations, I'm not creating the image file on the
root partition, but on a mounted partition (which happens to be
a reiser fs). Here is the particulars of the most recent trial:

root@stub:/files# df -T
Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 reiserfs 99375008 63940492 35434516 65% /files
root@stub:/files# ls -l
total 10009793
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 48 2008-03-22 10:40 sage_chroot
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10240000000 2008-03-22 10:35
root@stub:/files# mount -t ext3 --bind sage_chroot.image sage_chroot
mount: Not a directory

Grateful for any help.

Neal Holtz

Mar 22, 2008, 11:31:23 AM3/22/08
to sage-support
Well, talking to myself here, I was able to mount it using this

root@stub:/files# mount -t ext3 -o loop sage_chroot.image sage_chroot
root@stub:/files/sage_chroot# df -T
Filesystem Type 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3 reiserfs 99375008 63940492 35434516 65% /files
ext3 9842848 153192 9189656 2% /files/

But that is quite different than the instructions, so I'm a little
but I think I'll just proceed ...

Crissy Ruffo

Mar 23, 2008, 8:44:39 PM3/23/08
to sage-support
Hey Neal,

I tried setting up a chroot jail (jail for short) this week. I run
Ubuntu gutsy (7.10), and had a similar problem. The only way to get
the file system mounted was to use loop instead of bind (or use
both). Also:
* I didn't have much luck with the third command up from the bottom,
chmod og-w -R /path to sage jail . Did this twice, and locked myself
out of everything on the system, not just the jail. Not sure why
(very careful typing the second time:) Third time around, I didn't use
it. Then, the rest below
* couldn't log into the jail as anything other than root
* when in the jail, switched user from root
* dchroot command depreciated, used schroot.
* couldn't run SAGE as anything other than root.
* couldn't get notebook to start in jail.

I was keeping a log of my particular install, but I never did get it
working! If you have better luck let me know! I've got a project
(over) due and the prof. wants to run the code on my machine; right
now, it's wide open :{

Crissy Ruffo

Neal Holtz

Mar 23, 2008, 10:05:32 PM3/23/08
to sage-support

I actually did get it working on feisty yesterday, and have been using
quite a bit since and haven't noticed any major problems. I also kept
a rough log as I was going along. I'll attach it, but I apologize
I won't have any time to edit it for a couple of days. Its pretty
rough now
and has one or two false starts, and I wouldn't be surprised if I've
to log one or two things, but here it is:

Installing sage chroot on stub, April 22, 2008:


cd /files
dd if=/dev/zero of=/sage_chroot.image bs=1024 count=10000000
mke2fs -j sage_chroot.image

sudo vim /etc/fstab
/sage_chroot.image /sage_chroot ext3 bind 0 0
sudo mount -a

didn't work ("mount: Not a directory"). instead do:

cd /files
mkdir sage_chroot
mount -t ext3 -o loop sage_chroot.image sage_chroot

adduser sageserver

Now from

Getting and installing debootstrap

dpkg --install debootstrap_1.0.7~feisty1_all.deb

Installing and configuring schroot

sudo apt-get install schroot
sudo mkdir /files/sage_chroot/sage1
sudo editor /etc/schroot/schroot.conf

description=Sage Server

Setting up your chroot with debootstrap

debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 feisty /files/sage_chroot/

cp /etc/resolv.conf /files/sage_chroot/sage1/etc/resolv.conf
cp /etc/apt/sources.list /files/sage_chroot/sage1/etc/apt/
## did not do sed -i s/dapper/breezy/g ...
chroot /files/sage_chroot/sage1
apt-get update
apt-get install wget debconf devscripts gnupg nano #For package-
apt-get update #clean the gpg error message

## apt-get install locales dialog #If you don't talk en_US
## locale-gen en_GB.UTF-8 # or your preferred locale
tzselect; TZ='Continent/Country'; export TZ
export TZ=America/Toronto in .profile

If you dont want the locale warnings in your chroot add export
LANG=C to your ~/.bashrc

Getting stuff(X/ssh-agent/ect,dbus,mounting removables,modprobe,err
stuff) working automagicaly

This stuff didn't seem to make sense to me, so I didn't do it.

Back to

> Our solution is to simply use /sage_chroot/home/server as the home directory, mounting it to /home/server. First we copy the home directory's contents the chroot filesystem:
> $ sudo cp -rpvf /home/server /sage_chroot/home/
> $ sudo rm -rf /home/server/*
> And again we edit the system fstab
> $ vim /etc/fstab
> and add the following lines:
> /tmp /sage_chroot/tmp none bind 0 0
> /dev /sage_chroot/dev none bind 0 0
> /sage_chroot/home/server /home/server none bind 0 0
> proc-chroot /sage_chroot/proc proc defaults 0 0
> devpts-chroot /sage_chroot/dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0

This didn't make much sense either. Its not clear why
/tmp and /dev have to be shared between chrooted and
non-chrooted environsments.

Instead, I did this to ensure the /home/sageserver was the same
in both non-chroot and chroot

chroot /files/sage_chroot/sage1
apt-get install adduser
adduser sageserver

use emacs, pwconv to ensure that uid and gid for sageserver
is the same in both /etc and /files/sage_chroot/sage1/etc,

on non-chroot:

rm -r /home/sageserver
mkdir /home/sageserver
mount --rbind /files/sage_chroot/sage1/home/sageserver /home/

chroot /files/sage_chroot/sage1
apt-get install octave octave-forge octave2.9 octave2.9-forge
apt-get install gap-core ssh

su - sageserver
cd ~
tar xf sage-2.10.4.tar
mv sage-2.10.4 sage
exit # sageserver
exit # chroot

Now drop back to build from the non-chroot env

su - sageserver
cd ~
cd sage
time make
make clean

But, I couldn't get sage to run properly, so in unchrooted /etc/fstab
I have

/tmp /files/sage_chroot/sage1/tmp none bind 0 0
/dev /files/sage_chroot/sage1/dev none bind 0 0
/files/sage_chroot/sage1/home/sageserver /home/sageserver none bind
0 0
proc-chroot /files/sage_chroot/sage1/proc proc defaults 0 0
devpts-chroot /files/sage_chroot/sage1/dev/pts devpts defaults 0 0

mount -a


su - sageserver
schroot -c sage

seems to work

Crissy Ruffo

Mar 23, 2008, 10:50:09 PM3/23/08
to sage-support
Rough or not, thank you very much. I'll try it out tomorrow!


On Mar 23, 9:05 pm, Neal Holtz <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I actually did get it working on feisty yesterday, and have been using
> it
> quite a bit since and haven't noticed any major problems. I also kept
> a rough log as I was going along. I'll attach it, but I apologize
> that
> I won't have any time to edit it for a couple of days. Its pretty
> rough now
> and has one or two false starts, and I wouldn't be surprised if I've
> forgotten
> to log one or two things, but here it is:
> Installing sage chroot on stub, April 22, 2008:
> ==============================================
> from
> cd /files
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/sage_chroot.image bs=1024 count=10000000
> mke2fs -j sage_chroot.image
> sudo vim /etc/fstab
> /sage_chroot.image /sage_chroot ext3 bind 0 0
> sudo mount -a
> didn't work ("mount: Not a directory"). instead do:
> cd /files
> mkdir sage_chroot
> mount -t ext3 -o loop sage_chroot.image sage_chroot
> adduser sageserver
> Now from
> Getting and installing debootstrap
> wget
> dpkg --install debootstrap_1.0.7~feisty1_all.deb
> Installing and configuring schroot
> sudo apt-get install schroot
> sudo mkdir /files/sage_chroot/sage1
> sudo editor /etc/schroot/schroot.conf
> [sage]
> description=Sage Server
> location=/files/sage_chroot/sage1
> priority=3
> users=sageserver
> groups=sageserver
> root-groups=root
> Setting up your chroot with debootstrap
> debootstrap --variant=buildd --arch i386 feisty /files/sage_chroot/
> sage1
> cp /etc/resolv.conf /files/sage_chroot/sage1/etc/resolv.conf
> cp /etc/apt/sources.list /files/sage_chroot/sage1/etc/apt/
> ## did not do sed -i s/dapper/breezy/g ...
> chroot /files/sage_chroot/sage1
> apt-get update
> apt-get install wget debconf devscripts gnupg nano #For package-
> building
> apt-get update #clean the gpg error message
> ## apt-get install locales dialog #If you don't talk en_US
> ## locale-gen en_GB.UTF-8 # or your preferred locale
> tzselect; TZ='Continent/Country'; export TZ
> export TZ=America/Toronto in .profile
> exit
> If you dont want the locale warnings in your chroot add export
> LANG=C to your ~/.bashrc
> Getting stuff(X/ssh-agent/ect,dbus,mounting removables,modprobe,err
> stuff) working automagicaly
> This stuff didn't seem to make sense to me, so I didn't do it.
> Back to
> wget
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