I need a bit of git handholding...

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Emmanuel Charpentier

Dec 22, 2013, 4:32:57 AM12/22/13
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
Dear list

I noted problems with freetype on my machine ; Volker Braun diagnosed (in this thread) that the current sage's freetype had problems with fonts currently installed on my machine. Therefore I went ahead, created trac#15561 and, on my current tree, created the branch, installed the current upstream tarball, upated the relevant foles a,d created a small patch for libpng. On my machine, the results were OK, so I pushed the resulting branch to the track ticket.

But I have two problems with this branch :

1) working on another machine, with a brand-new sage tree, I have not been able to get my work back :
sage -dev checkout --ticket 15561
sage -dev diff
gives me an empty diff.

2) As displayed by trac, the btranch does not contain any mention of the new source tarball...

If a kind soul could point me to the direction(s) and module(s) of my error(s), I'd be grateful.

Emmanuel Charpentier

Volker Braun

Dec 22, 2013, 6:24:28 AM12/22/13
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
The tarball is *not* part of the git repository, only its checksum. You need to indicate on the ticket if you need any additional tarball, which (at least for now) will the be copied manually to http://www.sagemath.org/packages/upstream/

Emmanuel Charpentier

Dec 22, 2013, 8:26:08 AM12/22/13
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
Dear Volker,

Thank you for this note. I added a relevant comment to the ticket (and attached the tarball, since it's a small one). Any idea about how to retrieve this branch on another machine (with the same trac identifier, of course...) ?

Emmanuel Charpentier

Volker Braun

Dec 22, 2013, 8:49:27 AM12/22/13
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
On Sunday, December 22, 2013 9:32:57 AM UTC, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
1) working on another machine, with a brand-new sage tree, I have not been able to get my work back :
sage -dev checkout --ticket 15561

This does work. See the output of "git log":

$ git log -4
commit f570a62601eea75502fa2bab4431643fa1cbc2c7
Author: Emmanuel Charpentier <emm.cha...@free.fr>
Date:   Sat Dec 21 14:53:58 2013 +0100

    Fixed patching of libpng.

commit de6e2ee221e49e7ccbcabf731e284b91df9bb919
Author: Emmanuel Charpentier <emm.cha...@free.fr>
Date:   Sat Dec 21 14:30:32 2013 +0100

    Patching libpng to allow compilation of libfreetype-2.5.2

commit 5a4c66b9f9a45ea44e3ac9270311d6f68c05f1ae
Author: Emmanuel Charpentier <emm.cha...@free.fr>
Date:   Sat Dec 21 09:39:35 2013 +0100

    Upgrading to current upstream stable release
    Also added license information to the SPKG.txt file.

commit 3472a854df051b57d1cb7e4934913f17f1fef820
Author: Volker Braun <vbrau...@gmail.com>
Date:   Tue Dec 17 18:08:15 2013 +0000

    Updated Sage version to 6.0

sage -dev diff
gives me an empty diff.

It shows you the diff relative to the current directory. If you were to make any (uncommitted) changes, then they would show up here. If you want to see the diff relative to an older version (say, the "master" branch), you'd have to do

sage -dev diff --base master

Or directly with git:

git diff master..HEAD    # HEAD=current branch head
git diff master..             # abbreviated version

Emmanuel Charpentier

Dec 22, 2013, 10:22:42 AM12/22/13
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
Thank you very much, Volker ! I definitely need to take some time to *learn* git.

BTW : the -dev commands currently have no direct documentation per se. There is a lot of examples in the developer's guide, and the reference manual has a "SageDev" section, but neither is clear as to what sage functions have a script counterpart, or the possible differences between sage functions and scripts.

Emmanuel Charpentier

Dec 22, 2013, 10:39:26 AM12/22/13
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
Thanks to Volker's explanations, the relevant ticket is again at "needs review".

Thanks a lot for your help.

Emmanuel Charpentier

Volker Braun

Dec 22, 2013, 10:39:27 AM12/22/13
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
The "dev" object in Sage is equivalent to the "sage -dev" command line. Arguments are translated between Python to Shell calling conventions, so 

$ sage -dev diff --base master

is the same as

sage: dev.diff(base='master')

Help overview:

$ sage -dev help
usage: sage-dev [-h] subcommand ...

The developer interface for sage.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

    abandon             Abandon a ticket or branch.
    checkout            Checkout another branch.
    clean               Restore the working directory to the most recent commit.
    comment             Add a comment to "ticket" on trac.
    commit              Create a commit from the pending changes on the current branch.
    create-ticket       Create a new ticket on trac.
    diff                Show how the current file system differs from "base".
    download-patch      Legacy support: Download a patch to a temporary directory.
    edit-ticket         Edit the description of "ticket" on trac.
    help                show help message and exit
    import-patch        Legacy support: Import a patch into the current branch.
    merge               Merge changes from "ticket_or_branch" into the current branch.
    needs-info          Set a ticket on trac to "needs_info".
    needs-review        Set a ticket on trac to "needs_review".
    needs-work          Set a ticket on trac to "needs_work".
    positive-review     Set a ticket on trac to "positive_review".
    prune-tickets       Remove branches for tickets that are already merged into master.
    pull                Pull "ticket_or_remote_branch" to "branch".
    push                Push the current branch to the Sage repository.
    remote-status       Show information about the status of "ticket".
    set-remote          Set the remote branch to push to for "branch_or_ticket" to "remote_branch".
    show-dependencies   Show the dependencies of "ticket".
    tickets             Print the tickets currently being worked on in your local repository.
    upload-ssh-key      Upload "public_key" to gitolite through the trac interface.
    vanilla             Return to a clean version of Sage.

Help for subcommands:

$ sage -dev diff -husage: sage-dev diff [-h] [--base BASE]

Show how the current file system differs from "base".

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --base BASE  a string; show the differences against the latest "'commit'" (the default), against the branch
               "'master'" (or any other branch name), or the merge of the "'dependencies'" of the current ticket
               (if the dependencies merge cleanly)

Emmanuel Charpentier

Dec 22, 2013, 11:33:57 AM12/22/13
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
Thank you. I missed that "online help". Silly me...

Emmanuel Charpentier

P Purkayastha

Dec 23, 2013, 4:15:39 AM12/23/13
to sage-s...@googlegroups.com
We need a patch. http://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/15558 :)

I haven't been able to figure out where all the help strings are
stored... maybe I haven't searched at the proper places.

On 12/23/2013 12:33 AM, Emmanuel Charpentier wrote:
> Thank you. I missed that "online help". Silly me...
> --
> Emmanuel Charpentier
> Le dimanche 22 d�cembre 2013 16:39:27 UTC+1, Volker Braun a �crit :
> time to **learn** git.
> BTW : the -dev commands currently have no direct documentation
> /per se/. There is a lot of examples in the developer's guide,
> and the reference manual has a "SageDev" section, but neither is
> clear as to what sage functions have a script counterpart, or
> the possible differences between sage functions and scripts.
> --
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