Re: Who to cite?

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Simon King

May 30, 2013, 12:22:03 PM5/30/13
Hi Diana,

On 2013-05-30, d.tran <> wrote:
> I need to know which softwares/authors to cite in writing my manuscript. I
> use the sage function to solve multi-variable systems of nonlinear
> inequalities.

You may try to use sage.misc.citation.get_systems.

For example:

sage: vars = var('g_1 g_2 g_3 k_31 k_21 k_22 k_11 t_32 t_21 t_11 t_12 t_33')
sage: from sage.misc.citation import get_systems
sage: solve(['k_31 > g_3 *t_32','k_21 + k_22 < g_2 *t_21','k_11 > g_1*t_11','k_11 < g_1 *t_12','k_31 > g_3 *t_32','k_31 < g_3 *t_33','k_21 +k_22 > 0','k_21 + k_22 < g_2 *t_21'],vars)
[[g_1*t_11 < k_11, k_11 < g_1*t_12, -k_22 < k_21, k_21 < g_2*t_21 - k_22, g_3*t_32 < k_31, k_31 < g_3*t_33, -(t_32 - t_33)*g_3 > 0, g_2*t_21 > 0, -(t_11 - t_12)*g_1 > 0]]
sage: get_systems("solve(['k_31 > g_3 *t_32','k_21 + k_22 < g_2 *t_21','k_11 > g_1*t_11','k_11 < g_1 *t_12','k_31 > g_3 *t_32','k_31 < g_3 *t_33','k_21 +k_22 > 0','k_21 + k_22 < g_2 *t_21'],vars)")
['ginac', 'GMP', 'Maxima']

So, this gives you a list of systems. I don't know how to get the
bibliographical data. However, if you want to know where the wrappers
for the used systems are located, you could look up using

sage: for s in get_systems("solve(['k_31 > g_3 *t_32','k_21 + k_22 < g_2 *t_21','k_11 > g_1*t_11','k_11 < g_1 *t_12','k_31 > g_3 *t_32','k_31 < g_3 *t_33','k_21 +k_22 > 0','k_21 + k_22 < g_2 *t_21'],vars)"):
....: print systems[s]

Probably you can get the information you are looking for by reading the
documentation of sage.symbolic, sage.rings.integer and

Perhaps other people have a better answer (in particular to the question
how to let qepcad do the job).

Best regards,

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