Indeed thank you, this is very usefull for trying to play around with the new flask notebook without having to go to the trouble of applying #11080 and it's dependancy's which is non trivial.
I build and ran al test on my debian server and got one failure.
mderickx@md:~/sage_installs/sage-5.2.alpha0$ ./sage -testall
... a lot of tests ...
sage -t -force_lib "devel/sagenb-main/sagenb/notebook/"
[1.3 s]
The following tests failed:
sage -t -force_lib "devel/sage/sage/tests/"
Total time for all tests: 6235.2 seconds
Please see /home/mderickx/.sage//tmp/test.log for the complete log from this test.
retrying this test seperatly gives
mderickx@md:~/sage_installs/sage-5.2.alpha0$ ./sage -t -force_lib "devel/sage/sage/tests/"
sage -t -force_lib "devel/sage/sage/tests/"
File "/home/mderickx/sage_installs/sage-5.2.alpha0/devel/sage/sage/tests/", line 314:
sage: err
'WARNING: Configuration file ipythonrc not found. Ignoring request.\n------------------------------------------------------------\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File "/home/mderickx/sage_installs/sage-5.2.alpha0/local/lib/python/site-packages/IPython/", line 66, in load\n fname = filefind(fname,incpath)\n File "/home/mderickx/sage_installs/sage-5.2.alpha0/local/lib/python/site-packages/IPython/", line 554, in filefind\n \' not found in current or supplied directories:\' + `alt_dirs`\nIOError: File\'ipythonrc\' not found in current or supplied directories:u\'/home/mderickx/.ipython\'\n\nWARNING: Problems loading configuration file \'ipythonrc\'\nStarting with default -bare bones- configuration.\n'
1 items had failures:
1 of 186 in __main__.example_1
***Test Failed*** 1 failures.
For whitespace errors, see the file /home/mderickx/.sage//tmp/
[16.6 s]
The following tests failed:
sage -t -force_lib "devel/sage/sage/tests/"
Total time for all tests: 16.6 seconds
So it's not a that critical doctest failure. I did not had this doctest failure while testing 5.0 . But when I now test sage 5.0 I get the exact same error. This is probably because I installed ipython system wide on this server between testing sage-5.0 and sage-5.2.alpha0 .
Thanks Maarten