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Maxime Bombar <maxime...@inria.fr>Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2020, 09:36
Subject: [sage-devel] [Bug] Possible Bug in FrobeniusMap for ntl finite fields of characteristic 2
To: <
I think there is a bug with the Frobenius Maps of finite fields of
characteristic 2 implemented using NTL :
Here is what happened with finite fields implemented using the Givaro
library (finite fields of characteristic 2 and degree <= 15). This is
what we expect.
sage: k = GF(2^15)
sage: k.frobenius_endomorphism() == k.frobenius_endomorphism()
sage: type(k)
Here is what happened for finite field of odd characteristic
(implemented using the PARI library) :
sage: k = GF(3^16)
sage: k.frobenius_endomorphism() == k.frobenius_endomorphism()
sage: type(k)
However, it raises an exception for finite field implemented using NTL
(I can give a full traceback, but this is easy to reproduce) :
sage: k = GF(2^16)
sage: type(k)
sage: k.frobenius_endomorphism() == k.frobenius_endomorphism()
TypeError: None fails to convert into the map's domain Finite Field in
z16 of size 2^16, but a `pushforward` method is not properly implemented
The same behaviour happens if we force the implementation of a finite
field with NTL :
sage: k = GF(2^15, impl="ntl")
sage: type(k)
sage: k.frobenius_endomorphism() == k.frobenius_endomorphism()
TypeError: None fails to convert into the map's domain Finite Field in
z15 of size 2^15, but a `pushforward` method is not properly implemented
I checked this on each version of sagemath since 8.6 using CoCalc on the
sage website.
I'm trying to help here, and if I find something I will be pleased to
propose a fix, so if someone familiar with the codebase is willing to
give me a hint, I would be glad.
Many thanks,
Maxime Bombar
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