Good question! In theory one can make edits to the files directly on github without even creating a PR, but I'm sure that I don't have the right permissions for that.
1. I picked a computer on which I had already built sage-10.0 in my own filespace, not the system-wide one.
2. I did "git pull upstream develop", then both ./bootstrap and ./configure.
3. I tried "MAKE=make -j30 make" but it failed, and for some reason I can't remember I failed a simple "make" too, so I did "make clean" first and then "make". That took many hours (single-threaded though I could have easily used 30 or more).
4. I created a new git branch, madethe one character change, and did "make" again. That did not take too long. So I committed and pushed to origin (=my clone on github, to which I had already pushed after the pull from upstream).
5. Meanwhile I had made the issue, given it the corrrect tags and assigned it to myself, quoting from David's email to explain the problem.
6. Then I made the PR and waited.
I have left this branch open on the computer I used in case some reviewer or the release manager wanted more changes.
I will ask on sage-devel why the parallel make approach I have often used in the past did not work, as that would have sped up the process considerably, as would having already built the latest beta -- but hey, I am retired, and while the computer was working I was in my hammock relaxing!