How should one go about *quickly* computing the dimension of a space of cuspidal modular forms (of weight >= 2) in Sage, without actually computing a basis of the space?
The standalone method "dimension_cusp_forms" used to be really good for this, and was a command I personally used very very frequently. However, ticket #32647 slapped a deprecation warning on it. If this indeed gets removed, then the simplest way of getting at this functionality is by typing "CuspForms(...).dimension()".
Unfortunately, this approach is vastly slower than the old standalone function was, since it seems to be doing some kind of unnecessary O(dimension) loop over the basis elements at initialisation time:
sage: time dimension_cusp_forms(Gamma0(99), 100) # deprecated
[ deprecation warning text ]
CPU times: user 8 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 8 ms
Wall time: 8.94 ms
sage: time CuspForms(Gamma0(99), 100).dimension()
CPU times: user 1.06 s, sys: 124 ms, total: 1.18 s
Wall time: 1.18 s
Note the huge difference in timings: 9 milliseconds vs 1.2 seconds! So the non-deprecated method is 130 times slower than the deprecated one, which seems a bit problematic to me.
IMHO, Sage has shot itself in the foot here, axing a fast and effective command in one of its "core competences" (modular forms) because some developer's notion of code aesthetics has been prioritised over ease-of-use and functionality. I'd like to call for this change made in #32647 to be reversed, and not reintroduced unless CuspForms.__init__() has been re-engineered to make the new code path as quick as the old one was.
(This problem only affects cusp form spaces, not the full modular form space; "ModularForms(...).dimension()" takes about the same time as "dimension_modular_forms()", as it should. If you're crafty, you can work around this by importing "dimension_cusp_forms" from sage.modular.dims, or using the dimension_cusp_forms() method of the Gamma0 group class; but these won't be easy to find for non-expert Sage users.)