errno 2 on server only due to missing jmol files

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Oct 27, 2015, 1:27:18 PM10/27/15
to sage-devel,, Volker Braun, Jonathan Gutow
Hi all,

When doing 

sage: sphere() 

in the notebook in our local server when testing Sage 6.9, I get

RichReprWarning: Exception in _rich_repr_ while displaying object: [Errno 2] No such file or directory   RichReprWarning,

Looking at the code here, this suggests that     def _call_rich_repr(self, obj, rich_repr_kwds): was called correctly, but that some directory or something was missing at 
        except Exception as e:
                'Exception in _rich_repr_ while displaying object: {0}'.format(e),

BUT there is zero information as to what directory or file is missing.  And I don't understand the new richrepr stuff enough to figure out exactly what is missing.  To be precise, why wasn't an error raised while *creating* the missing file or directory?

I note that on my personal computer, things seem to work normally, and a little testing confirms that the missing file must be the jmol ones, i.e.  sage0-size500.jmol

in the relevant cell directory.  They do *not* appear on the server in 6.9, do appear in 5.6 (yes, it's been a while since we upgraded) and do appear in the notebook in 6.9 on my laptop.  The log files do not indicate anything unusual.

Any ideas?  Also, the warning/exception is not the most helpful; it would have been nice to know which file it was without doing a little scrounging.

- kcrisman
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