I have build experimental packages for boost-1.34-1, QuantLib and
QuantLib-SWIG. It is a rather heavy build and will as is not work on
OSX unless we switch the Python there to ucs2.
I have a binary that is available from /bin on sage.math:
mabshoff@sage:~$ sage-quantlib
| SAGE Version 3.1.alpha1-quantlib - Release Date: 2008-08-11 |
| Type notebook() for the GUI, and license() for information. |
sage: from QuantLib import *
sage: QuantLib.
Display all 1298 possibilities? (y or n)
It is based on 3.1.alpha1, so there might be the occasional gremlin. I
will update it to 3.1 once we get a final build.
For sage.math there is a binary at
It is a rather hefty 484MB.