I have uploaded a "proof of concept" to
It has a "stub" review app which can be accessed either via Python directly
or via Python with SageMath -- the latter is required for access to Latex
formatting and display.
Some rearrangement of the directory hierarchy was also performed.
There are "issues" with this:
1) The console/command window is a rough environment. It appears
that windowing technology, such as Tcl/Tk will be needed to make this
application presentable to non-programmers.
2) Latex formatting is very problematic. I documented several problems
and spent several hours on it this afternoon. The biggest issue is simply
the energy expenditure: I cannot envision a student preparing notes
in Latex for subsequent review. A teacher could do that for the students,
but there is no way a student would have time to do that work. So, text
mode is the main alternative. Or, as a last resort, taking snapshots of
notes. Really, there would need to be an equation editor to make this
work with Latex or MathML. Typing in Latex commands by hand is
way too slow for this application. But, as my code shows, it does
work, even if it is slow and buggy.
So...? A good start.