Canvas Integration?

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Sep 26, 2023, 9:32:12 AM9/26/23
to sage-edu
Hi, I want to use Sage and Canvas, but not sure if it is possible. 

I tried to use SageMathCell but that did not work. 

Any help would be appreciated.


David Joyner

Sep 26, 2023, 9:36:54 AM9/26/23
I don't know anything about Canvas, sorry. I suggest you ask this question on either sage-support or on the 
Canvas analogue.

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Sep 26, 2023, 9:46:37 AM9/26/23
to sage-edu
Hi!  I'm not sure how you want to integrate Sage and Canvas.    You can certainly embed any Sage link into a normal Canvas page, either by using the URL functionality or embedding it in a page:
Screen Shot 2023-09-26 at 9.42.08 AM.png
Screen Shot 2023-09-26 at 9.42.46 AM.png

If you want to embed it as an external tool in an assignment, that would take more work, and I'm not sure exactly what you would want to do with that anyway that would be different than just embedding a link in an assignment's text. 

Finally, you may want to embed a Jupyter notebook or a CoCalc thing somehow; I don't doubt that's possible, but in that case you would be better off asking on their lists, as David suggests.  Good luck!

Jonathan Gutow

Sep 26, 2023, 9:51:56 AM9/26/23
to sage-edu
My experience is that without developing an integration tool, the best way to utilize sage, jupyter notebooks and things like that in Canvas is to use them separately (link to them as suggested by @kcrisman) and just use Canvas to record grades.

Another alternative is to have them turn in the notebook file or a pdf of it into a Canvas assignment for grading. The pdf you could grade directly in the grading tool (speed grader). The notebook file would have to be downloaded and opened in an appropriate environment. I have used the .pdf method with good results for lab data analysis.
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