database of dynamical systems

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May 31, 2018, 3:06:20 PM5/31/18
Dear sage-dynamics,
Over the last few years we've come along way in what arithmetic
properties are able to be computed about a given dynamical system with
Sage. I've started the work on creating a database of dynamical systems
to be a repository of interesting examples and all we can compute about
them and debuted a live beta version in April at AMS sectional meeting
in Boston.

It is very much in beta/experimental form at this point and has 100+
examples pulled from various articles. The next steps for me are two-fold:

- to expand the list of dynamical systems in the database
- expand the possible base fields to included finite field, p-adic
fields, and function fields (i.e., families of dynamical systems)

My university is hosting the database at

If that should ever change, there will always be a link on my homepage
( to it's current hosting site.

Suggestions and feedback are appreciated and don't forgot to take a look
at the acknowledgments page to see everyone who has contributed to this

Eventually, I plan to organize some workshops on improving the database
and dynamical system computations in Sage in general.

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