[sage-devel] Re: abstract matrices

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Nicolas M. Thiery

May 1, 2010, 5:30:34 AM5/1/10
to ross kyprianou, sage-...@googlegroups.com
Dear Ross,

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 06:38:31PM +0930, ross kyprianou wrote:
> (Im trying to finish this in 2-3 weeks to include some results in a
> paper but I understand that may not be possible)

Oops, I just noticed this deadline of yours; I hope you will still
make it! Please find attached a possible refactorisation of your code.
Here is a short extract of the doc (to be run after loading the code):


sage: Alg = SymbolicMatrixAlgebra(QQ)

sage: A = Alg.matrix("A",3,2)
sage: B = Alg.matrix("B",2,3)
sage: C = Alg.matrix("C",2,3)
sage: D = Alg.matrix("D",3,3)

Example 1: Adding/Multiplying matrices of correct size::

sage: A * (B + C)
A B + A C

Example 2: Transposing a sum of matrices::

sage: (B + C).transpose()
C^t + B^t

Example 3: Transposing a product of matrices::

sage: (A * B).transpose()
B^t A^t

Example 4: Inverting a product of matrices::

sage: (A * B)^-1
B^-1 A^-1

Example 5: Multiplying by its inverse::

sage: D * D^-1 # todo: not implemented

Enjoy, and let me know how it goes!

Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nth...@users.sf.net>

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Ross Kyprianou

May 1, 2010, 8:05:35 AM5/1/10
to sage-devel

No worries about deadlines - this looks excellent - thanks!
Will let you know how things go. This gives me lots to work with
Thanks again!

On May 1, 6:30 pm, "Nicolas M. Thiery" <Nicolas.Thi...@u-psud.fr>
> Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/
> --
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>  matrix.sage
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Ross Kyprianou

May 2, 2010, 3:09:09 AM5/2/10
to sage-devel
This turned out as good as it looked Nicolas
A lot of the planned functionality is already in place with this
initial code - Thanks!

Now it should be possible (for me) to implement some more code (which
is indicated in the second section
(below) i.e. under the section with title "I need to implement
I studied matrix.sage and some of the python scripts in .../devel/sage/
I just need some guidance where to put new code or what to overload.
e.g. I tried to create a
def sum_on_basis(self, w1, w2):
under the code where I saw
def product_on_basis(self, w1, w2):
but that had no effect on the addition bug shown below.

Below, the working functionality is indicated first and below that is
the new work Ill do with
a little guidance. I think the coding I need to do is straight
The challenge should just be where to put the code associated each bug

e.g. Ive written the fix to the sum bug below but
- do I put it in a _sum_( ) method?
- do I put it in a sum_on_basis(self, w1, w2) method?
- and where (or which class?) do I put these methods in?

Heres the results of some testing...

Starting with these definitions...

sage: Alg = SymbolicMatrixAlgebra(QQ)
sage: A = Alg.matrix("A",3,2)
sage: B = Alg.matrix("B",2,3)
sage: C = Alg.matrix("C",2,3)
sage: D = Alg.matrix("D",3,3)

==== The following worked well ====

# Conformable matrix sizes for multiplication passes
sage: A*B
sage: B*C.transpose()
B C^t

# Non-Conformable matrix sizes for multiplication is caught
sage: B*C
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call
AssertionError: Non-conformable matrices: matrix sizes are
incompatible for multiplication

# Additive inverse
sage: D-D

#Additive identity (no probs with sizes is intuitively ok)
sage: A+0

# Conformable matrix sizes for addition passes
sage: B+C
B + C

# transposes
sage: A.transpose()

sage: (A+B).transpose()
A^t + B^t

# only square matrices have an inverse (we'll think about pseudo-
inverses later)
sage: ~A
AssertionError Traceback (most recent call
AssertionError: Can't inverse non square matrix

==== I need to implement these ====

# Non-Conformable matrix sizes for addition is *NOT* caught
# (Also need to change the unusual reversal of order being printed)
sage: A+B
B + A

# simplify multiplicative inverse (i.e. return I but not the one from
the symbolic ring)
sage: ~D*D
D^-1 D

# allow ~(A*B) to work (currently crashes with size error because Ive
specified this should be returned as B^-1 A^-1 and neither are square:
but A*B is square so ~(A*B) should return (A*B)^-1 "unsimplified" -
later we can introduce assume(A*B,'invertible')
sage: ~(A*B)

# multiplying by identity (question of size of I arises - see additive
identity example above)
sage: D*I
==== Probably these too ====
# (a) ~~D returns D but ~~D == D returns false (confusing) i.e.
sage: ~~D
sage: ~~D == D

# (b) define _pow_() so D^-1 returns ~D

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