I think I've got it. In `free_module_element.pyx` the method `FreeModuleElement_generic_dense._lmul_` does the following:
cpdef _lmul_(self, Element right):
sage: v = vector([-1,0,3,pi]) # needs sage.symbolic
sage: v._lmul_(2/3) # needs sage.symbolic
(-2/3, 0, 2, 2/3*pi)
sage: v * (2/3) # needs sage.symbolic
(-2/3, 0, 2, 2/3*pi)
if right._parent is self._parent._base:
v = [(<RingElement>x)._mul_(right) for x in self._entries]
v = [x * right for x in self._entries]
return self._new_c(v)
However, symmetric function do not inherit from `RingElement`, which implies that the wrong method is called.
What can we do about that?