images lacking on docker hub

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Frédéric Chapoton

Apr 5, 2023, 4:18:27 AM4/5/23
to sage-devel

it seems that no recent image is available on docker hub:

In particular, 9.8 is not there.
Is there a way to manually update that, if there is no automatic mechanism to do the job ?


Frédéric Chapoton

Apr 23, 2023, 4:33:42 AM4/23/23
to sage-devel
There are some instructions for that at the top of our docker/Dockerfile. But I guess there is also a matter of rights, no ? Who is allowed to do that ? Maybe Julian ?

Frédéric Chapoton

May 11, 2023, 8:27:20 AM5/11/23
to sage-devel
asking again : who has the rights for the docker user sagemathadmins ?


Edgar Costa

May 11, 2023, 9:20:51 AM5/11/23
to, Julian Rüth

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May 11, 2023, 9:29:31 AM5/11/23
to sage-devel
Sorry, I didn't see this thread.

I do have the credentials for docker hub. I am happy to share them with anybody who wants to help with maintaining the docker images. (I don't use the docker images anymore myself so I do not really maintain them anymore. Also, the automatic infrastructure that we used to update them broke years ago which makes the process quite a bit of work. With each release of SageMath, something in the build process breaks typically. We could migrate this to GitHub workflows but it's also a fair amount of work and, again since I am not using the images, I don't feel very motivated to champion that process.)


Edgar Costa

May 11, 2023, 9:32:04 AM5/11/23
I realized that one of my messages never got to the mailing list.

If we agree that we would like to keep having this, then we should move the old gitlab workflow to GitHub.
I have minimal experience building dockers, but these are quite convenient when you suddenly break your sage due to some external library upgrade or when you are trying to use a code that was written for a version of the past.

I am happy to help with maintaining the docker images.
But maybe first I should try to build them myself :)

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May 11, 2023, 9:32:28 AM5/11/23
to sage-devel
Btw., I recently applied for "Sponsored OSS" status on the Docker Hub which was finally granted. So we can now have more then 3 user accounts with write access (until now it was mkoeppe, a bot user and myself.) Please contact me if you want to be added as a maintainer.

Frédéric Chapoton

May 24, 2023, 7:51:39 AM5/24/23
to sage-devel
I have zero experience with docker images (never used one, never built one). So I would rather let the task to somebody more knowledgeable in the matter.

Better to automatize of course, but at least one could manually make images for 9.8 and 10.0 so that people can use them soon.


Frédéric Chapoton

Jul 15, 2023, 12:48:08 PM7/15/23
to sage-devel

Anybody with some docker expertise who would like to help us having up-to-date docker images on dockerhub ?


Jul 16, 2023, 7:38:47 AM7/16/23
to sage-devel

I successfully built one for stable 10.0, two weeks ago using the current version of the docker/Dockerfile following the instructions given there (in section HOWTO use this file to manually create new images for Docker Hub). I haven't really used it yet. However, Sage 10.0 starts and works unless you try to use IPython magics (for example ? to read the documentation). If you do that, it crashes (but so does the 9.7 image). Yesterday I pushed that to my private Docker account. Therefore, for the time being it can be used at your own risk via docker run -it soehms/sagemath:10.0. I can try to do the same for 9.8.

Frederic, would a restriction to the stable versions be acceptable to you? I would like to have a continuation of the Docker images, too. But I can relinquish development versions since for this use case there are other alternatives, such as Gitpod. Maybe it would simplify things if we only continued stable releases on DockerHub.


Frédéric Chapoton

Jul 16, 2023, 10:39:31 AM7/16/23
to sage-devel
yes, stable versions would be good enough. And not too much work, hopefully. So, please ask Julian to be added to the sagemath organisation on dockerhub.


Jul 20, 2023, 2:09:51 AM7/20/23
to sage-devel
Releases 9.8 and 10.0 are available on DockerHub sagemath/sagemath, now. The temporary repository soehms/sagemath I've removed again.

Aug 8, 2023, 12:55:32 PM8/8/23
to sage-devel

I've opened PR #36047 which creates a GitHub workflow to produce the Docker Hub images automatically again.
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