Synchronization of GitHub state and priority labels continues on Tuesday July 11th

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Jun 7, 2024, 5:49:54 PMJun 7
to sage-devel
Dear Sage developers,

We will now continue with a process that started last July. Unfortunately, this was blocked for many months while we waited for GitHub to fix a bug in their web-interface. Although this bug is still not fixed (see this comment on #35927), parts of label sync that are less critical to this bug should continue.

As before, the bot will be enabled in several steps. These are tracked in issue #35927. We are moving on to step 3 and 4, the first of which will be enabled next Tuesday. These steps will allow developers who are not members of the Triage team to have the s: needs review label on their PRs.

Please post comments, suggestions and bug reports on #35927.


Jun 7, 2024, 5:54:07 PMJun 7
to sage-devel
Sorry, typo in the headline: July -> June!

Jun 10, 2024, 6:08:51 AMJun 10
to sage-devel
Currently ther are about 90 open PR's that are not drafts but don't have any state label set (see this list). Obviously not all of them are authored by developers who cannot set these labels because they are not members of Triage. If you are a member of Triage and one of your PRs is among them, you should pay attention to what will change tomorrow:

1. If you simply forgot to set the s: needs review label, then the bot will do it for you in the future.
2. If you intentionally didn't set s: needs review for your PR (for example, because you want to check CI results first), then you should open your PR as a draft in the future (see item 6 here) and change its status to ready for review later on (see this page). Otherwise, the PR will have the s: needs review label from the start.

Jun 14, 2024, 3:10:26 AMJun 14
to sage-devel
We will continue with this next Tuesday (June 18th) with step four. After that the s: needs review label will be set automatically if you mark a draft as ready for review or push a new commit to a non draft PR.
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