Devel Days 1

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William Stein

May 20, 2008, 12:36:48 AM5/20/08
to,, Glenn H Tarbox, PhD

Sage Devel Days 1 is June 13-20, 2008, which is about three weeks from now:

(I'm sending this email also to the Modular Forms and L-functions workshop
people but they can ignore it.)

Of interest to number theorists and linear algebraists only:
There will also be grad-student oriented workshop June 16-20
on computing modular forms and L-functions at the same time
in the same place (in a classroom next door):
This will be mentored by myself, Bill Hart, Fredrick Stromberg,
and Michael Rubinstein. This is something to be aware of.

2. HOUSING. I've rented a bunch of 3-person rooms from a place
right near campus called the Collegiana. I have not specifcially
assigned anybody to any particular room. If you have no clue
where you're going to stay during Dev Days 1, then you're
probably staying there. If that's you, please send an email to
this list stating your situation, dates, and ideas for roommates,
or somehow come up with a way to add yourself to this wiki page:
Based on info you sent me before, there should be
enough rooms to have 2 people per room (the rooms fit 3 and
have private bathrooms; there is a communal kitchen and wifi).
If there aren't enough rooms I can get more.

4. OUTINGS: I propose that we plan a couple of social outings.
(a) A reception/party at Glenn Tarbox's house. He has a
house with a deck, etc., overlooking Lake Washington.
It's about 4 miles from campus near Capitol Hill in Madrona
so we'll have to figure out how to get people there and back.
He and his wife are already enthusiastic about us doing this.
(b) A camping trip. Camping in the Seattle area is awesome in
June, and I think we could put together something pretty
amazing. Who is interested in this?
(c) Go to Pike's market, the aquarium, or other standard
Seattle tourists things.
Thoughts? Volunteers to help organize? Other ideas?

5. TALKS: At a minimum we will have the following
talks, since I already invited the speakers :-):
* Rob Beezer -- writing and maintaining an open source
undergraduate linear algebra book
* Dan Gindikin -- Pex (related to Cython)
* Arne Storjohann -- exact linear algebra
* Glenn Tarbox -- twisted (related to Parallel computing)

We need 3 more colloquium style talks. Any ideas?
Please take a look over the list of participants and
nominate somebody.

Dev Days 1 is 8 days long, and I propose that we have
one colloquium style talk per day at 11am, which will
give people a standard time to meet up (at noon right after
the talk), and that every day we have status reports/demos
at 5pm followed by walking to the ave or ordering out for
dinner. So the schedule would be:

11am - 12pm: The Colloquium talk.
12pm - 1pm: Informal lunches in small groups
1-5pm: working sessions, either the MEB building, on the Ave
at a coffee shop, in the Sage lab, etc.
5-6pm: status reports (everybody is highly encouraged to attend!)
6-7:30pm: dinner
7:30pm - 1am: working sessions

There will of course be talks for smaller groups during the
working sessions, but those will be organized during the
first working session. E.g., that's when there might be a few
talks on Cython or linear algebra or whatever.
In fact, I very strongly encourage everyone in a particular
group, say, to start organizing something on the wiki about
what they plan to accomplish at Dev 1, talks they
might have etc.

Below are the groups, roughly speaking; I got this
by looking at the names listed at the dev1 website. Of course
I hope people move between groups, go to talks organized
by other groups, etc. I've made wiki pages for each group,
listed below.

Windows port (
* Michael Abshoff
* Gary Furnish
* Chris Gorecki
* Dan Shumow
* William Stein
* Ralf-Philipp Weinmann

Cython (
* Stephan Behnel
* Robert Bradshaw
* Craig Citro
* Dag Sverre Seljebotn
* Burcin Erocal
* Gary Furnish
* Dan Gindikin
* Josh Kantor

Exact linear algebra (
* Michael Abshoff
* Martin Albrecht
* Nick Alexander
* Grebory Bard
* Rob Beezer
* Tom Boothby
* Craig Citro
* Burcin Erocal
* David Roe (p-adic linear algebra?)
* Arne Storjohann
* William Stein
* Ralf-Philipp Weinmann

Distributed/parallel computation (
* Ifti Burhanuddin
* Josh Kantor
* Yi Qiang
* Glenn Tarbox

William Stein
Associate Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

Craig Citro

May 20, 2008, 4:45:36 AM5/20/08
> We need 3 more colloquium style talks. Any ideas?
> Please take a look over the list of participants and
> nominate somebody.

So here's an idea for a talk: I'd love to hear someone talk about the
current state of affairs with the integration of Cython in
numpy/scipy, and a sense of what the plans are. Maybe this is well
known -- but it's not to me, anyway, so I'd like to see it. I suspect
other people would be interested.

I just assume Josh Kantor could give this talk, because he always
seems to know the answer to any numpy-related questions. :)


Martin Albrecht

May 20, 2008, 6:37:19 AM5/20/08
> (b) A camping trip. Camping in the Seattle area is awesome in
> June, and I think we could put together something pretty
> amazing. Who is interested in this?

I have to admit that it has been years since I went Camping, also this would
require to bring gear, doesn't it. I'm honestly not too eager to do this :-)

> (c) Go to Pike's market, the aquarium, or other standard
> Seattle tourists things.
> Thoughts? Volunteers to help organize? Other ideas?

Seattle is famous for the music scene so a concert might be in order? But I
guess it would be infeasible to agree on a band/style/venue anyway.


name: Martin Albrecht

David Roe

May 20, 2008, 7:37:43 AM5/20/08
On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 6:37 AM, Martin Albrecht
<> wrote:
>> (b) A camping trip. Camping in the Seattle area is awesome in
>> June, and I think we could put together something pretty
>> amazing. Who is interested in this?
> I have to admit that it has been years since I went Camping, also this would
> require to bring gear, doesn't it. I'm honestly not too eager to do this :-)

I, on the other hand, am planning two backpacking trips for this
summer already. I'd be happy to organize another one, though a
camping trip does take away more working time than a day-hike.

Let me know if you would be interested in a day hike/camping trip.
Once I know how much interest there is I can organize something.

Jonathan Bober

May 20, 2008, 1:40:06 PM5/20/08
On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 21:36 -0700, William Stein wrote:
> Hello,
> Sage Devel Days 1 is June 13-20, 2008, which is about three weeks from now:
> (I'm sending this email also to the Modular Forms and L-functions workshop
> people but they can ignore it.)

(I think I'm going to be more of a Modular Forms and L-functions
workshop person than a Sage Devel Days person, but I'm not sure.)

> 2. HOUSING. I've rented a bunch of 3-person rooms from a place
> right near campus called the Collegiana. I have not specifcially
> assigned anybody to any particular room. If you have no clue
> where you're going to stay during Dev Days 1, then you're
> probably staying there. If that's you, please send an email to
> this list stating your situation, dates, and ideas for roommates,
> or somehow come up with a way to add yourself to this wiki page:
> Based on info you sent me before, there should be
> enough rooms to have 2 people per room (the rooms fit 3 and
> have private bathrooms; there is a communal kitchen and wifi).
> If there aren't enough rooms I can get more.

I have no clue where I'm going to stay, so I hope that I am in this
category - but I might be assuming that this housing is for both
workshops. I'm arriving the night of June 12th and leaving the evening
of June 20th, and I don't have any particular roommate preferences.

William Stein

May 20, 2008, 1:42:08 PM5/20/08
On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:40 AM, Jonathan Bober <> wrote:
> On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 21:36 -0700, William Stein wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Sage Devel Days 1 is June 13-20, 2008, which is about three weeks from now:
>> (I'm sending this email also to the Modular Forms and L-functions workshop
>> people but they can ignore it.)
> (I think I'm going to be more of a Modular Forms and L-functions
> workshop person than a Sage Devel Days person, but I'm not sure.)

I know the feeling!

>> 2. HOUSING. I've rented a bunch of 3-person rooms from a place
>> right near campus called the Collegiana. I have not specifcially
>> assigned anybody to any particular room. If you have no clue
>> where you're going to stay during Dev Days 1, then you're
>> probably staying there. If that's you, please send an email to
>> this list stating your situation, dates, and ideas for roommates,
>> or somehow come up with a way to add yourself to this wiki page:
>> Based on info you sent me before, there should be
>> enough rooms to have 2 people per room (the rooms fit 3 and
>> have private bathrooms; there is a communal kitchen and wifi).
>> If there aren't enough rooms I can get more.
> I have no clue where I'm going to stay, so I hope that I am in this
> category - but I might be assuming that this housing is for both
> workshops. I'm arriving the night of June 12th and leaving the evening
> of June 20th, and I don't have any particular roommate preferences.

Yes, this is housing for both workshops. We just haven't sent out the
email for other workshop yet. Please add yourself to the wiki for housing:

-- William

Robert Bradshaw

May 21, 2008, 4:40:24 PM5/21/08

I would be interested in doing this too. We have a campfire one
evening (perhaps preceded by an afternoon hike), and those who have
the gear/desire could stay the night and others would head back to
the hotel.

I also like (a) A reception/party at Glenn Tarbox's house.

- Robert

William Stein

May 26, 2008, 3:43:59 PM5/26/08

Excellent, so let's have a hike with some sort of optional camping,
and the reception at Glenn's house. Glenn -- what day would
you like? I think the earlier the better, e.g., June 14.

Hopefully David Roe and you and maybe Tom Boothby can organize the hike?


Glenn H Tarbox, PhD

May 26, 2008, 6:37:38 PM5/26/08
On Mon, 2008-05-26 at 12:43 -0700, William Stein wrote:
> On Wed, May 21, 2008 at 1:40 PM, Robert Bradshaw
> <> wrote:
> >
> > On May 20, 2008, at 4:37 AM, David Roe wrote:
> >
> >> On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 6:37 AM, Martin Albrecht
> >> <> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>

< snip >

> > I also like (a) A reception/party at Glenn Tarbox's house.
> >
> Excellent, so let's have a hike with some sort of optional camping,
> and the reception at Glenn's house. Glenn -- what day would
> you like? I think the earlier the better, e.g., June 14.

June 14 is fine.


Glenn H. Tarbox, PhD | Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas
206-494-0819 | are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats (gtalk) + ghtdak on aim/freenode | ^ Howard Aiken, IBM engineer


May 27, 2008, 8:56:40 PM5/27/08
to sage-dev1
Another outing offer -- my house is pretty close to the lake and UW
(Magnuson Park), so it's prime barbeque location. We also have UW
ethernet for anyone who can't put their work down... I think picking
a sunny day for this is more important than setting a date, so we
could just leave it open-ended. (Note: The lake is swim-able but
cold, and I think Tom knows where you can get kayaks from.)


May 27, 2008, 10:32:51 PM5/27/08
to sage-dev1
The lake isn't very cold in the summer... Kayaks can be had from Agua Verde,

and canoes from WAC:

Craig Citro

May 31, 2008, 7:44:42 PM5/31/08
> Excellent, so let's have a hike with some sort of optional camping,
> and the reception at Glenn's house. Glenn -- what day would
> you like? I think the earlier the better, e.g., June 14.
> Hopefully David Roe and you and maybe Tom Boothby can organize the hike?

So has anything gone on with the hike planning? I don't know the area
that well, but I have a few hikes out towards Snoqualmie that I could
recommend. Of course, I don't think any of these lend themselves to
staying and camping. How many people are planning on staying to camp?
How long of a hike are people interested in?


Jun 1, 2008, 2:13:26 AM6/1/08
Anybody who is interested in hiking should put their name down here:

Clement Pernet

Jun 1, 2008, 1:27:31 PM6/1/08

I will be part of the hiker + camper group, and am ready to help
organize it too.
One thing to take into consideration: there has been a LOT of snow this
year, and I bet that most of the trails around snoqualmie area are still
snow covered.
I will probably check it on site until dev1, but we might consider
looking for a lower elevation place for hike.

Clement a écrit :

Robert Miller

Jun 2, 2008, 11:57:59 AM6/2/08
I'd be down for a day hike, if there's a quorum.

Robert L. Miller
Department of Mathematics
University of Washington, Seattle

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