Please Provide Module galgebra

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Ingo Dahn

Mar 11, 2023, 7:27:09 AM3/11/23
to sage-cell
Please, provide the python module galgebra for doing symbolic calculations for Geometric Algebra, if possible updated with the improvements from the web site of Alan Macdonald as described in his GAlgebra primer, p. 3-,  which requires copying some files from this folder into the the python installation direcrory site-packages/galgebra.

Ingo Dahn

Mar 22, 2023, 1:33:27 AM3/22/23
to sage-cell
May I ask what is the status of providing galgebra for SageCell? I can understand if there is reluctance to provide modifications of modules in SageCell, - a plain install of galgebra as provided via pip would be welcome as well.

Andrey Novoseltsev

Mar 22, 2023, 1:15:48 PM3/22/23
to sage-cell
Sorry for silence - there are some general issues I need to iron out (hopefully today), then the plan is to pip install galgebra. I am against custom fiddling with the files, it is too fragile with updates.

Andrey Novoseltsev

Mar 23, 2023, 10:41:19 PM3/23/23
to sage-cell

Dr. Wolfgang Lindner

Apr 4, 2023, 6:24:32 AM4/4/23
to Andrey Novoseltsev, sage-cell
Dear Andrey,

It would be nice, if you would provide the Maxima packages ‚ctensor’ and ‚intensor’ for doing calculations in Differential Geometrie and Tenor Algebra. 

Best regards
Dr. Wolfgang Lindner
Stieglitzweg 6, 42799 Leichlingen

Andrey Novoseltsev

Apr 11, 2023, 10:26:05 PM4/11/23
to sage-cell
Dear Wolfgang,

Can you please clarify what do you mean? It seems to me that these are standard packages which are available already:
Interactive example with ctensor does not work, as expected - SageMathCell does not support interactive input apart from its own interact controls.


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