Trills Journal Session 8

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Matt Nickolette

Apr 26, 2010, 2:27:39 PM4/26/10
to The Long Road
Flamerule 10

…near dusk after searching for the sharmuta horses for an eternity we
finally came upon them. We broke for camp and now I sit on a rock an
write this entry while Kieran stuffs his head in a book as akhoya
always does. It seems as though a Oghma’s ideals are firmly planted
within him. He constantly thirsts for knowledge. I broke him away
from his book to work on a new song. I call it Nymphs Grace. I pray
Oghma will give me the words to write. The words that will sway my
Allonna, the most beautiful creature in all Faerun! One kiss from her
would change my stars! I will sleep well with that thought in my mind

Flamerule 11

We entered the Shining White from the back entrance again. It takes
much more time, but at least my life isn’t getting sucked away by a
wall of death. This cave is full of small caverns and fissures. It
smells of damp mold and Clayton in the morning. The fact that I’m
starting to get used to the smell makes me feel even more unsettled.
Kieran used a light spell on Amrielles whip. We used its light to
guide us through the darkness in search of Rodericks remains. Dead
rats were toss about on the floor. Amrielle tried to do her nature
thing and speak to the rats. With a piece of copper wire from my
pocket I was able to cast a Message spell to make it sound as though
the rat was speaking “Help Me! Help Me!”. I almost khara myself from
laughing so hard! The laughter was broken when we realized why these
rats weren’t moving. Ahead was a twenty foot centipede like monster
with ten writhing tentacles and a maw with pincers above that snacking
on Rodericks corpse! Clayton charged with his huge sword and hacked
away at the vial creature. He spit up Roderick’s rotting stump of a
leg. Blowing on a piece of Pork Rhine from my pocket I placed grease
under the Carrion Crawler. His many legs were able to withstand the
greasy cave floor, so using the arcane I silently chanted an inspiring
song to my friends to bolster their courage. Kieran reading the words
from a scroll placed a shield in front of him that looked like a
scroll. I launched arrow after arrow but struck not true, but only
because of the dust in my eye and Clayton’s big head. We kept hacking
away at the crawler until it gave up its hold on life. Looking at
Roderick’s decaying corpse was sickening and at that time, too much
for me. He died protecting us. He died to protect Longsaddle and our
families. I hope his death will not be in vain. The crown will pay
for all of the trouble caused!

Flamerule 12

The weather is calm and clear, but my head is not. Traveling back to
Mirabar with the stench of a comrade is not enjoyable. It pains me to
think of the preparations to send his body on to the next plane.
Roderick my friend, sleep well in the eternities.

Flamerule 13

Another day of travel another day of sorrow.

Flamerule 14

The fog makes it harder to traverse these lands. We came upon a herd
of Rothe. Amrielle decides that they would be tasty and tries to hunt
one down. Clayton changed his armor to something lighter and
followed. I don’t see how he could sneak up on a herd, but I’m not
going to stop him. I can only assume he tried to wressle a Rothe or
they smelled him and ran away. Rothe was not on the menu for the
night. More trail rations.

Flamerule 15

As we rode back to Mirabar to prepare Roderick for his next journey, I
felt a tinge on the back of my neck. Something sparked in my mind and
set my heart racing. I knew one day I would find one of the Fey
Crossroads like in the legends. Today was that day! South across the
river I saw a faint “x” caused by my arcane spell. I had to convince
Amrielle and Kieran that traveling there was a good idea. They were
in a hurry to get Rodericks body to Mirabar, which I understand, but
this is a lifetime chance! We came upon a small rocky cave with a
wasps nest attached to its entrance. As we approached it the wasps
rushed out of the nest. This was not the greeting I had played out in
my mind. The wasps swarmed around and started to form a creature.
The wasps faded away and standing before us was a twenty foot tall
creature with four arms and the body of a satyr. He had pan pipes
slung around his shoulder. He speaks to us in a language I do not
understand but I assume is Sylvan. Kieran uses a scroll of comprehend
language and translates for me. This bastard satyr mocks me for
approaching him and not understanding the language. I try to convince
him to let us pass, and then he asks me a riddle. “What jumps higher
then a mountain”? I have pondered this riddle but I do not know the
answer. The Crossroad Guardian faded away. I must solve this riddle!

We entered Mirabar in the afternoon. Rodericks body was still stored
in Kieran magical bag. I don’t know how I feel about this, but I’m
sure Roderick doesn’t mind. We take him to a nearby temple and leave
him with them to prepare for his services. Kieran and I return to the
library to research some of the mysteries of the Shining White and for
me, the mysteries of the Fey Crossroads and a rare Elven race called
the Avarial. In my studies I found that I’m going to need to learn
Sylvan and the Avarial’s only known location in Eastern Lurkwood.
Note to self, must come up with excuse to travel there.

Kieran and I went for a little stroll after our studies towards the
Ghost Rothe. We did very well last time we played there. To our
surprise there was another group already playing there. Their music
was breath taking! They were so technical in there instruments. The
precision in their craft was inspiring. I could only wish to be so
technical. It was a three piece band and they invited me up after
their set. To be honest I was a little annoyed with them taking our
spot, but this was short lived. They introduced themselves as
Nieresh, Samair, and Samarah. They asked if Kieran and I would like
to play with them. Of course we did! We could wipe this place clean
with the accompaniment of these amazing musicians. As we started to
play the Long Road, the first time with anyone else, something felt
different. The air felt light yet intense. These 3 were able to
follow us completely. Samarah sung harmonies she could not have
known. We collaborated back and forth leaving breathing room for the
three to have spotlight and then room for Kieran and I to shine. I
have never seen a group accompany so well. We played so fiercely that
the building shook from its very foundation. Women in the crowd
started to cry. Lightning cracked outside. It was as if the time
stood still. After the roar of the crowd died down, the three strange
and wonderful musicians asked me to sit when them and talk.

They knew of the Zelorrgosz drum! They asked me to relay the story of
its origin to them. I did so and to my surprise they told me that
these stories are true. How could they know this? They told me that
this drum was magical, but Kieran and I have never noticed that.
Nieresh said that it was because of the head that I had replaced.
Appearently the original head was made from the mouth skins of the
Yaun-ti. I broke it years ago though. I kept it in my drawer in
Longsaddle though luckily. I must find a way to repair it and attach
it to this drum once again. I must find out what it does!

P.S. Two sisters gave me the key to their keep. It was a most
wonderful night tonight. One I will not soon forget.

Flamerule 16

Research, research, research, and more research. Kieran loves it. I
appreciate its value, but I am in no ways as into it as akhoya.
Kieran has been researching in the library so much that he now has a
contact, Clint Shirby, who is an acolyte of Deneir.

We played at the Ghost Rothe again tonight. We performed well and
took home many gifts. The key to the Drielle Estate was even given
to Kieran!

Flamerule 17

It will be a three and a half day ride back to Longsaddle. It seems
like it has been ages since we have been back home. I am looking
forward to its familiar sights and sounds.

Flamerule 18

The Long Road home continues…

Flamerule 19

Nothing of note.

Flamerule 20

Nothing of note.

Flamerule 21

I am so very tired of trail rations. I want a steak more then
anything. Well almost more then anything.

Flamerule 22

Home! We reach longsaddle around noon.

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