Rules Junk

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Apr 29, 2010, 1:22:02 PM4/29/10
to The Long Road
So, I had the privilege/horror of gaming with a Rules Lawyer. While
it made my DMing painful, I was able to take some things away from
it. You may already know this, but some of it was news to me or I
was adjudicating it wrong.

Amrie: your whip cannot do damage to anyone with an armor bonus, or
with a natural armor bonus of 3 or higher.

I've been making everyone take full round actions to go total defense,
which is wrong. It's always a standard action, so you could go total
defense and move on the battlefield (making you nigh untouchable if
you've got mobility).

If you're grappling, you don't provoke around you. I think I remember
this about 50% of the time. BUT, if you want, you can take a -20 to
all grapple rolls and treat yourself as not grappling. Clayton: this
means you could put someone in a headlock and reach out for another!

The following isn't a new rule, or even something I had wrong, but
just a tactical reminder. Make use of cover!!! Cover grants +4 AC
and +2 to reflex saves. Soft cover (such as other characters)
provides the AC but not the reflex save bonus. You're about to get
into the deadlier challenges of D&D. Cover can help you save against
a fireball; it can help your archer rain the pain without risking
himself. This came up in a recent game when the light fighter hid
behind the heavy fighter in an archery battle. The heavy fighter can
go total defense (thus giving himself a good AC), and the archer can
stand behind (provided there's no better cover) his buddy and fire

This one came up in our last session: detect animals only detects
animals. A creature using the alternate form ability retains their
original type. Therefore, if a monstrous humanoid uses alternate form
to assume the form of an animal, it still won't read on a detect
animals spell. Fun!

I encourage you guys to search the rules and let me know what I'm
doing wrong. Just try to do it between sessions and be gracious about

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Jeremy (Kieran)

Apr 29, 2010, 3:30:23 PM4/29/10
to The Long Road
Does Amrie's dagger whip do damage to creatures with an armor bonus?
What about a regular whip that's magical?

Amrielle Thorp

Apr 29, 2010, 4:04:46 PM4/29/10
to The Long Road
I guess I should have replied to all when I brought that up. Yes,
only the whip-dagger will do damage to foes with an armor bonus at
this point. When the Lasher prestige class comes into play though,
everything changes. :D Sadly, I don't know about the magic whip.

On Apr 29, 12:30 pm, "Jeremy (Kieran)" <>
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