'Battery stuck at 1%' and 'No Logging'

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Feb 5, 2020, 8:13:57 AM2/5/20
to Safecast Device Discussions and Support

Hello Group

I have two major issues and one minor issue:

Major issues:
  1. My reading says 'BATTERY LOW' and '' but the battery appears fine and I can run the bgeigie for a few hours without issue.
  2. My reading says 'NO LOGGER' and I do not see any log files being produced.

Minor issue:
  1. The little switch in the top left corner of the machine seems to do nothing.

  1. The machine powers on, eventually acquires GPS lock, can connect to the Android app on my phone via Bluetooth, and I have successfully submitted two or three such logs via the phone app.
  2. I have charged the battery for many hours but there is still no change in the 'Battery stuck at 1%' and 'BATTERY LOW' readings.
  3. Other users also have the 'Battery stuck at 1%' issue: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/safecast-devices/h5YfmvZG5sU
  4. I have verified that R1 and R2 are correct (as is suggested as a possible problem in the '1% issue' link).
  5. I have verified that the two files on the SD card are as they should be, in particular that the device ID matches my machine (and in accordance to https://github.com/Safecast/bGeigieNanoKit/tree/master/SD%20card and https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/safecast-devices/mrdk7YfY3dk/14DT8JSsCAAJ)
  6. I finally just assembled this machine after buying it many years ago.
  7. I have not yet tried to update the firmware, and am still awaiting the cable to do so.
Can anyone help me?





hélios buissart

Feb 5, 2020, 6:23:31 PM2/5/20
to Safecast Device Discussions and Support
i have the exact same issue since two years, if someone have a fix it could be cool !
 il use it with the IOS App but it could bne cool to have a fully working Geigie ;)
i upgraded to the last firmware, i checked all the solderings… i d'on't see the origin of the problem.

the button on the top left does not have any function yet.
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