hex files not uploading fully(?)

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Nick B

Nov 16, 2017, 11:26:47 AM11/16/17
to Safecast Device Discussions and Support

Hi everyone,
Recently tried my hand at assembling one of the DIY bgeigie kits for a project I'll be doing.  Unfortunately, while upon boot you can hear all of the devices power, alongside their respective LED's, I see no boot up for the screen.  I thought this could be an issue with firmware so I took to the safecast github page and downloaded the respective 81.8kb hex file.  It seems though, that the hex file may not fully be uploading for whatever reason. While the upload starts smoothly, I always seem to get cut off at exactly 29754 bytes into the upload without fail.  Seeing as all the sub parts of the nano seem to turn on, down to the small speaker crackling as it picks up particles, I just cant seem to find out why the firmware doesn't seem to want to load.

Mat Schaffer

Nov 19, 2017, 7:57:28 PM11/19/17
to Nick B, Safecast Device Discussions and Support
The initial symptom sounds a lot like the "bGeigie won't boot" thread from a few days ago. (would link but google groups isn't showing it for some reason).

Maybe someone with more familiarity with the fio can chime in here on what might be the problem? Hoping this sort of issue doesn't turn out to be a trend.

Rob Oudendijk

Nov 20, 2017, 5:49:39 AM11/20/17
to Safecast Device Discussions and Support

The FIO should have come preloaded with firmware. If the unit did not work before, there is a big possibility that there is something else wrong. 
Can you send us front and back pictures of the board?



Nov 21, 2017, 8:04:28 PM11/21/17
to Safecast Device Discussions and Support
Hi Nick,

Please provide photos of your board so the Safecast team can troubleshoot.

The Safecast team has offered you two additional support options:
1. Skype with Rob who will help determine what the issue is
2. Ship the kit to the Safecast team in Tokyo and they will get it working.

We look forward to your response.

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