Successful Nano build, need help w/ GPS, Mac connection

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Kelly Neu

Dec 12, 2013, 11:23:00 PM12/12/13
I just built a nano and it seems to be working…a miracle as I am a novice w electronics.  PLease help:
1. I cannot find the update to GPS firmware.  Could someone send a direct link?
2. How do I hook up my nano to my computer?

PS. Thank you for any help.  I am very new to all of this and built a nano to support safecast and their work.  Any advice in ridiculously simple/layperson english is gratefully accepted.  Thank you all for your hard work!

Rob Oudendijk

Dec 13, 2013, 12:40:02 AM12/13/13

If you are running V1.3.0 or higher you jst emove the SD Card and the GPS wll be resetted.
For hooking up you Nano to your computer to communicate you need a FTDI cable. The USB is oly used for charging.


Kelly Neu

Dec 13, 2013, 12:54:41 AM12/13/13
Thank you for your help Rob,
Where can I find out if my nano is V1.3.0?
What can of store can I get an FTDI cable? Amazon?

Joe Moross

Dec 14, 2013, 2:30:21 AM12/14/13
Kelly -

When you first turn on the Nano, it will show the Safecast logo. Right after that there is an information screen. The first line will be "bGeigie Nano 1.3.0" or whatever the version of your current firmware is.

You don't need an FTDI cable for normal use. That is unless you plan to reprogram your bGeigie.

To upload the data you collect, take out the microSD card and plug it into an appropriate reader/adapter. Most computers these days include an SD card slot.

The reset procedure Rob mentioned (ver 1.3.0 and later) is easy:

1) turn off the bGeigie.
2) remove the SD card
3) turn on the bGeigie.
4) leave it on one minute
5) turn off again
6) put in the SD card

During step 4, after about 10 seconds, the display will show a message "NO SD CARD/GPS Reset".
(Powering up the unit without the SD card causes a error and a general re-initialization including the GPS controller.)

- jam

Yohanan Weininger

Dec 14, 2013, 3:41:49 PM12/14/13

hi Kelly, 


>Where can I find out if my nano is V1.3.0?

-- the firmware version in your Nano appears on OLED's startup display and on top of  the log file in #header line

(BTW this is mentioned in the nano wiki


-- the latest available firmware version is found in the github archive
> browse to HEX file (the current version of the Nano firmware which is the bGeigieNano.hex file in the bGeigieNanoKit repository.  (Today's version, "HEX for 1.3.4" -- 8 days ago)


? [kind] of store can I get an FTDI cable? Amazon?

-- see  the FTDI breakout board 3.3V links (this one or that one) lead to sparkfun, a big online electonics store.  The link to supplier is also mentioned in

Upgrading firmware requires the correct FTDI breakout board. Whether upgrading firmware is necessary is another question.[??] My guess your current firmware is okay , if the nano works, and you’re not adding options, and there wasnt some critical upgrade.  Watch or search devices for Rob’s announcements of new versions or look around  github master for possible notes on changes.


According to above thread, resetting GPS doesn’t require FTDI. (Maybe someone will add the new info on reset GPS by turning on Nano without the sd card into the nano wiki.)

 it's good to  query devices group, to elicit shorthand support and also new info from core designers and experts  like Rob Oudendijk and Joe Morass. 

However, the Nano has a wiki for the community to update manual (ideally the pages would be concise and comprehensive). As it’s edited also by novice users, caveat the wiki may be wrong, besides verbose and out-of-date.


Maybe someone will make a movie showing the firmware upgrade to make it explicit for first-timers. (I use win7 not a Mac.)

 Again the wiki link  as seen on the nano page, closes this  RTM (Read the Manual),

ps The second firmware upgrade goes very fast compared to first time at FTDI hex flash.)



Kelly Neu

Dec 16, 2013, 1:11:43 AM12/16/13
Thank you Jam,
My bGeigi is version 1.2.8 and so the easy update didi not work.  Perhaps I need to upgrade the firmware?

Sean Bonner

Dec 16, 2013, 2:44:33 AM12/16/13
to Kelly Neu,
Yes, the easy update only works on 1.3.0 and above so definitely needs a firmware update.

Sean Bonner
Director of Global Operations | pgp key


Kelly Neu

Dec 18, 2013, 1:29:41 AM12/18/13
to, Kelly Neu
It sounds like I need an FDTI board? or cable? to hook up bGiegie version 1.2.8 to my iMac 2.7GHz Intel Core i5 for a firmware update.  There are links to 2 different ones.  Any advice on which one is correct?
1. FDTI Friends + Extras v1.0
2. FDTI Basic Breakout 3.3v

Sean Bonner

Dec 18, 2013, 7:56:02 PM12/18/13
to Kelly Neu,
You need the one from Adafruit, which attaches to a USB cable and then plugs into the Fio on the Nano 

James Booth

Dec 18, 2013, 8:30:23 PM12/18/13
to, Kelly Neu

I used your #2 choice (FDTI Basic Breakout 3.3v, and it worked fine.  No problems.  You also need a USB cable with a mini-B connector on one end.  You may have one already if you have a device (such as a digital camera) that came with a USB mini-B cable included in the package when you bought it.


Pieter Franken

Dec 18, 2013, 11:07:22 PM12/18/13
to, Kelly Neu
The Sparkfun comes prewired for 3.3v, while the Adafruit is prewired for 5v, which then needs to be changed to 3.3v. If you have a choice, recommend you go for the Sparkfun one.


Kelly Neu

Dec 26, 2013, 4:33:35 PM12/26/13
Next Step? I have my FTDI 3.3V Basic Breakout from Sparkfun and a USB mini cable… If anyone could help me get to the next step with the firmware upgrade I would be very grateful.  Again, I am a novice.  Terminal screen and Source are objects items unknown to me.   I have looked through the wiki but it might as well be in another language… I feel very overwhelmed.  I am in over my head.  Was so excited to contribute to Safecast but unfortunately my lack of technical ability is a big barrier.  Thanks for any basic advice. -Kelly

Yohanan Weininger

Dec 26, 2013, 8:27:33 PM12/26/13
Kelly, have you looked in the user's  installation guide? See [ftdi driver installation guides |]] for various systems and versions.  It gives the MAC guide at:

 Possibly see bottom of the wiki page  there's novice steps for loading firmware from an ms-win 7, as copied from advice posted in devices group and email. Even if you dont use the simpler ms-win 7 setup, there may be helpful orientation there in the pc setup  (in addition to your mac OSX build links and steps. --Sorry I can't help with mac.)

e.g.  in the ms-win 7 section: In the Oct advice, there's explicit link and location of the current  firmware hex file in the Nano's github repository. (see the wiki page.) 
When you browse to that current  firmware.hex file, press RAW button to copy text of that hex file. With notebook or some text editor, copy all that text into some  anyfilename.hex on your drive, the new nano system file. 

On pc install, after installing correct FDTI driver for your MS Win7,  the XLoader has menu, total 4 fields, also listed on wiki page.

In subsequent upgrades, the firmware build is much faster than the first time ;-) - yohanan

Dec 27, 2013, 12:37:02 AM12/27/13
Based on a few things I've seen and read, I get the feeling that most of the advice here has been beyond Kelly's skill level.  This was apparently the first thing she ever soldered, she has no experience with firmware nitty-gritty, and she is overwhelmed. I'd like to suggest:

--This started with her asking about a firmware update for the GPS.  But I don't think she explained why she thinks she needs one. What are you seeing, Kelly, that makes you think you need it?  Or was the unit working fine, getting GPS lock and everything, but you read about GPS firmware here, and wanted to update yours?
--There's other troubleshooting steps to try first.  Everyone here assumed you'd done all that, but maybe you haven't. You need to make sure your solder joints are all good, etc..
-- If all that is cool and groovy, then maybe you need the FTDI and all of that. But there's a learning curve for it.

All of this is much easier if there's someone more knowledgable who can actually look at the device with you.  Maybe there's a Maker group, or a school electronics club, or something like that nearby. I'd hunt that down first.  I bet they'll be interested.


Yohanan Weininger

Dec 27, 2013, 6:29:44 PM12/27/13
In solidarity with fellow nano novice user, I think Azby’s assumption of unfinished build may be bit rash. Might just be impasse on the software side

Every nano kit user has own skills, talents, opportunities; everyone has their own uses for nano. Kelly, your seasonal work as a boatman, guiding tours in canyons can be great for Safecast:
1) white water rapids use will test nano’s watertight, shock resistant endurance;
2) USA river canyons/valleys have many points of interest (uranium mining wastes, testing areas, superfund sites like Hanford  above Columbia River), and;
3) whatever the data measure, the fact that citizen volunteers are monitoring and mapping environmental radioactivity in rivers will help the government- and corporate-sponsored official factors, the “competent authorities” to be more responsible and honest with environment and public.

Azby gives good advice to find local support. >”All of this is much easier if there's someone more knowledgeable who can actually look at the device with you.  Maybe there's a Maker group, or a school electronics club, or something like that nearby. I'd hunt that down first.  I bet they'll be interested.”

(Myself I didn’t do my own nano build, but paid someone to assemble my kit while I got to watch and learn. I found my local electronics eng and Geiger counter wizard him as he posts online a static radiation measure. He was definitely curious about the Safecast nano.)

Although you give this little job firmware build to most any mac superuser,  it’s good to learn to load the firmware for the next time you’ll want or need possible updates, fixes and options.

So what local support should we novices look for in our starting out? In googling a geiger counter club nearest to your place of residence, maybe ask the “Mighty Ohm” (Jeff, an electronics eng and a geiger counter forum admin in Seattle). See his You don’t need to delve into electronics. Main thing is networking with Geiger counter users and builders locally. And from a scientific reliable sort.

Now for the runner-ups, other leads which you may possibly consider:

2. An environmental political action office in Seattle?

3. contacts on youtube? search for Seattle and radiation detection in youtube.  If in On google then use the or site limiter (  Among hits a clip in a rain forest somewhere in Washington State

4. example of daily radiation measure in Seattle, (however the blogger does not identify the GM counter he uses… a retiree with a mix of new age and doom stuff.)

5. you might contact local university radiation detection/safety unit and ask about any possible local resources for public non-affiliated

6. You can locate fellow safecasters via the api, search for locality in their submitted data. (In fact Seattle has all-star high tech execs who are active safecasters, even advisors in safecast team history.) But you would’t want to directly contact them over a beginner’s question like what is a driver file? So scratch this option.

7. a more approachable lead may be to contact local journalist who just wrote up safecast. Ask Erika Lundahl about possible local resources for new user. See

hope the new year see lots of good safe use of your Nano. 

James Booth

Dec 28, 2013, 12:30:30 AM12/28/13

I was hoping to write a tutorial for Kelly (and anyone else who may be overwhelmed with the firmware update process), but since I don't have a Mac handy a step-by-step tutorial won't be possible.  However, I did look at the information that Yohanan posted and read through all of the information for Mac users...  No wonder Kelly is overwhelmed!  I have experience with the command line using Linux, so the steps make sense to me - but even using the pre-built images is going to seem like a huge byzantine operation to someone who does not hack computers.  Even I would be somewhat buffaloed by it if I had not had previous experience in programming my Arduino Uno using Linux.

I wish I could help, but I am down here in Oregon.  My suggestion is to have a friend that is a computer "techie" and knows how to use the Mac command prompt.  A knowledge or interest in the bGeigie Nano is not necessary.  Alternatively, if you have a friend that has a Windows computer, you could use  the graphical easy-to-use Xloader program and the HEX file download.  It is very easy to use and you will be done in no time!

But Kelly, If you are feeling brave, here is how you find your command line on your Mac:


Now go to:

That outlines what must be done to set up your Nano for the update.  I strongly suggest following the steps under "b)  Use prebuild image", rather than "a) build yourself."

Here are a few tips to help you:

Under step 1.  (Download the FTDI serial driver.)  just follow the steps on pages 1-8 of the following document (Installing the D2XX driver should not be necessary):

Step 2.  (There is a decent tutorial included on these pages so don't panic!)  Install CrossPack for AVR Development (contains avrdude command and AVR cross-compiler):

Step 3.  Now follow the 3 steps under "Upload the bGeigieNano Software".  You can cut and paste the commands in the little boxes that are in bold font into your command prompt.  However, you must be sure that you put in the your own correct location for /dev/tty.usbserial Don't just copy what is written there on the third line ( -A700eYeV).

Good luck!

Rob Oudendijk

Jan 3, 2014, 2:57:47 PM1/3/14
Dear Kelly,

Now you have the connector, try an experimental uploader I made a few minutes ago.
  1. Connect the bGeigienano with FTDI cable
  2. Unzip the attached zip file and double click
  3. A window will open up and the bGeigienano hex will be uploaded to your Nano
Let me know if it is simple enough.


Tim Mousseau

Jan 7, 2014, 2:49:10 PM1/7/14
Hi Rob et al.,

OK, I just got my FTDI 3.3V adapter cable. Is there an uploader for Mac OS X?




Jan 7, 2014, 2:53:15 PM1/7/14
to Tim Mousseau,
There is! Link to it is on

Sent from some kind of iStuff


Jan 7, 2014, 3:25:17 PM1/7/14
to Sean@safecast,
OK, thanks very kindly. That was as easy as can be. 

For the other novices out there:

I am using a Mac Pro with OS X 10.6.8.
  1. I ordered the the GearMo USB to 3.3v TTL Header like FTDI TTL-232R-3V3 cable from Amazon for $19.95.
  2. I plugged in the FTDI cable to the computer.
  3. I downloaded and installed the FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_2_18.dmg from the website.
  4. I plugged in the FTDI cable to the computer then to the FIO board (the black wire on the FTDI cable connecter to the GND BLK pin on the board)
  5. I downloaded the from the Safecast website and ran it.
  6. I unplugged the cable after getting the message that it was finished.
  7. I removed the SD card and booted up the nano to reset the GPS (although this may not have been necessary).
  8. I turned off the nano and replaced the SD card….
And voila, I turned it on and captured 6 satellites from inside my house within a minute or so. 

Next, I will try the external active antenna to see how much this helps with poor GPS signal areas.

Thanks for the help!


Rob Oudendijk

Jan 7, 2014, 8:18:27 PM1/7/14
to T M, Sean@safecast,

I think you do not even need to download the FDI drivers. The drivers are included in the uploader. We did testing on a "clean" machine and it just uploaded.


Rob Oudendijk

Jan 7, 2014, 8:47:37 PM1/7/14
to Tim Mousseau, Safecast Devices

Just uploaded the new version of the uploaded at (click on "view raw" and you can downaod the file).


Rob Oudendijk Yuka Hayashi
tel +81 80-22605966  Skype: robouden  Facebook:robouden twitter:robouden  

Yohanan Weininger

Jan 8, 2014, 9:40:50 AM1/8/14
to, Tim Mousseau,
1) The unzipped uploader filename appears (on pc) not to be renamed with current version#.
2) I added your uploader option to the wiki. Please edit there. 

## 1c) Use uploader app (Mac OS X)

1) with the nano power OFF, connect the nano to mac with usb cable and the FTDI breakout board 3.3V;
2) on Mac browse to and click on view RAW to download the executable zip file; 
3) Click on downloaded to Unzip the file
4) Find and doubleclick on the "bGeigeiNano_V1.3.4_uploader" (or if renamed current  "bGeigieNano_V1.3.#_uploader")
The nano should soon power up with the new firmware version number displayed in the top line of splash screen bGeigie Nano 1.#.#. If not, try again.  The app will retrieve necessary software including the fdti driver, so it's a one button utility.  

(This uploader app for Mac users was written by Rob Oudendijk and first posted on 3 Jan 2014 in devices thread [["Successful Nano build, need help w/ GPS, Mac connection"|!topic/safecast-devices/QgIqj7bMzQI]].)

# 2) Linux
*Although Linux users...

Yohanan Weininger

Jan 8, 2014, 10:14:21 AM1/8/14
to, Tim Mousseau,
Would the first author (or a core user) rename this wiki file (as it includes guide info for linux and ms-windows users)?
from: "How to setup build environment on Mac OS X"
to ? : "How to load Nano firmware for upgrade, fixes"

Any wiki ref to old name will get updated.

Kelly Neu

Jan 16, 2014, 11:32:36 PM1/16/14
to, Tim Mousseau,
Thanks everyone for your help.  I just got back from a road trip and successfully got the GPS up and running.  Yohanan and Rob, you rock! 
Some road trip stats: Seattle started off at 35CPM, heading east toward Hanford, WA jumped up to 65CPM, had 4 readings of 52CPM while behind large freight trucks which went down after passing them, Salt Lake City, UT was 36-42CPM, Telluride, CO was 62-72CPM at 9,000ft.  Can't wait to figure out how to upload my log files.  Thank you!
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